2016 Food Storage Challenge

Friday, January 24, 2014

Busy Week

Have had a very busy week so I am behind on the herb and food storage challenge post will try to catch up this week end.

Last Saturday we spent all day at the point looking for cows we took the horses since that is the only way to get to some of the places the cows might be. Well I hate to admitted it but we haven’t rode since hunting so the horses were on the stupid side. First thing we had three cows that had been out and were north of us so I took Andy and Joleen and their horses up to where the cows were and drooped them off and went back to the house. They got the cows gathered up and were headed back when Joleens horse which is only 4 & ½ and still a little green, got spooked and reared back she didn’t have time to grab hold or anything so off she came landed on her back. She did manage to get back on and hobble to the house where she spent the rest of the day with a ice pack on her back.( I think it wounded her pride more than any thing) In the mean time I get on my horse and head towards them when my horse has extra stupid I get faster then a trot and she wants to just go where she wants to go (and I have to admit I am not as young as I use to be the ground is a lot closer and a lot harder then when I was young so I don’t get as western with her as I should) I did get her somewhat lined out about the time Andy and Joleen are headed back. Roger ( Andy’s Brother) and Kayla were there helping us. After we left Joleen we went and tried to get those three and decided to wait and get them with the 4 wheeler. We rode on down into the canyon and a cross never did see the cows saw some tracks. After about 4 hours we headed to the house and ate lunch. After lunch we tried to get the few that were hanging out by the house after a whole lot of stupid from the cows we started running out of daylight we decide to go back next weekend and hopefully the cows on the other side of the canyon will see our track and come on over on their own.

Sunday we had to move cows from a lease pasture to home this went a whole lot smother, we had them in a couple hours.

I did get a lot done this week 50 pounds of potatoes dried. Two boxes of oranges,1 box of Grapefruit and a half box of lemons juiced and canned. I am drying the peels to make orange oil and to use in my homemade cleaners.
Ended up with 30 pints of Orange juice( I added the grapefruit and a few tangerines to it) and 9 pints of lemon juice. Cooked some hams’ and canned some of them got 18 pints.

Andy was able to take the dirt bike out to the point Wednesday and get a load of cows to bring home I think our cows savey dirt bike and four wheeler a whole lot better then horses.

Thursday I had a doctors appt. In Durango left a little early and was able to meet my cousin for lunch whom I’ve not seen in about 15 years so that was real nice.

So this weekend we will try to go and get more cows. I will also try to catch up on those two post.


  1. Glad Joleen is okay! You are a busy woman! I make my own cleaner with lemon peels and vinegar. My family thinks its gross, but I haven't bought any all purpose cleaner in years :)

  2. Can you share how you get the oils out of the orange peels?


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