2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, February 17, 2014

This weeks goals and menu

I think I mentioned that I was doing the paleo diet well I have lost 5 pounds but about Tuesday I got a real bad headache and just didn’t feel good this lasted until Friday. I got to thinking and wondering if the diet had any thing to do with it so I looked it up and sure enough when you do the palo diet your body goes through a detox period which makes since your not eating all the junk that you had been eating. I kind of feel off the wagon Friday I wasn’t feeling good and needed to eat something, I had fixed pasta for supper for everyone else so I gave in and ate some.  Saturday night we went out to dinner for valentines and I had a French dip so I had bread. I am hoping as I get back on it I won’t have to go through the headaches again.

Since I didn’t feel to good all week I didn’t get much done.

I was over at prudent homemaker, and she was talking about being frugal especially with food and not letting anything go to waste. I do have to admit there are times I don’t get to something and I end up having to throw it away, so I am going to make a better effort to take care of things before they go bad.

I am also going to try on Mondays to share my frugal choices for the past week in everything that I do.

So this past week

I did start hanging clothes on the line I had gotten a little lax in using the dryer. I also have tried to stop using the dishwasher. I would like to cut my electric use even more then what I have been doing.

Now for the goals for this week I need to get the onions finished I want to can some plain chopped onions, some caramelized onions and some French onion soup. I also need to get some preschool lessons for daycare I have gotten a little lax on that. I have some pineapples that I bought on sale and have been waiting for them to get ripe, I need to get them in the dehydrator.

This weeks menu is

                                 Breakfast                                          Lunch                                    Dinner

Mon.                        Oatmeal                                 Mac & tomatoes                             Crock pot


Tue.                     Scrambled eggs                             French Toast                                 Pork Chops

Wed.                   Pancakes                                      Chicken Noodles                            Green Chili

                                                                                                                                     Skillet Dinner

Thu.                         Cereal                                     Grilled Cheese                                          Tacos

Fri.                      cream of wheat                               fish sticks                                    Chicken Fried


Sat.                                                     The girls will have leftovers we have the fireman’s banquet

Sun.                                                                                                                                  Potatoe Soup



Andys snacks this week will be orange cake and carrot cake I have some oranges and some carrots that need to be used up.

Hope everyone has a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you were not feeling well. Paleo sounds like a good plan. Hope it works for you. Have a great week. Thanks for sharing.


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