2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How I am Treating my Anemia.

Between the Anemia and watching what is going on in the Ukraine and Russia I haven’t got much else done.

I went back to my doctor the other day. She said she had never seen numbers as low as mine ( when I do something I do it up right lol ). So I am on extra iron and as I had mentioned I had a iron infusion. She wants me to do another infusion, and keep taking the iron I have been taking it with vit C to help it absorb better but it is not setting well on my stomach so she changed it to apple cider vinegar, that really tore up my stomach so I had to take a couple days off from anything and get my stomach back to normal. So now I am still taking the iron 3 times a day but I am only taking it with 500 mg of C ( instead of 1000) when I eat lunch. In addition I made some capsules out of Nettles ( helps to absorb iron) Burdock, yellow dock and dandelion root which are all high in Iron. I am taking these 3 times a day when I taking the iron. I also added some nettles to my tea that I drink every day , and am trying to eat more high iron foods.

I have taken several days off from blogging and just about everything else to get some extra rest, I promised the doctor that I would do that if she didn’t put me on complete bed rest, Although have to admit complete bed rest would be nice for a day or two, but I have way to much to do. ( I did spend a lot of time in bed this weekend though.) And when the kids are taking their naps I try to sit and rest.

So hopefully this will all help to get my iron to where it needs to be. I am already starting to feel a little better, and trying to have patience with this, I just keep thinking of all the things that need to be done. With all the things going on in the world plus with what the droughts and floods are doing to our food supplies I feel as if I am running out of time to get things done. But I guess I wouldn’t be much help if I collapse, or end up in the hospital lol.



  1. Am so sorry to hear that you are having trouble absorbing the iron. Let's hope the things you are doing will get you some much needed energy to continue on. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Joani,
      Thank you, I really appreciate all your encouragement that you always give even If I don’t’ always reply.

  2. I have never really had problems with low iron but after an emergency c with my 2nd and a lot of blood loss my midwife suggested getting a bottle of unsulphured blackstrap molasses. She suggested take 1-2T/day or more if I could handle it. I sent my husband out after it and started taking it while I was still in the hospital. She said my body would have an easier time adsorbing it with no tarry stool like with pills. I also think molasses was easier on a nursing infant. I just mixed it with some unsweetened hot chocolate to cover the taste.

    My iron/red blood cell count come up enough that I didn't have to have a transfusion (which I did not want).

    Plus stop worrying about what is going on in the world. You can only control your little corner. :)

    1. kkezir02,
      Thanks, I had forgotten about molasses. I will have to start taking some, I like molasses so it should be easy.

  3. When I was low on iron I ate 2 dates a day until my levels returned to normal. Good luck.

    1. Paula,
      Thanks, I had not heard of eating dates, will have to get some and start eating them.


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