2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Branding Day

We finished up Branding ( Got all the late calves ) this week end . The weather was just right couldn't believe the wind wasn't blowing a million miles an hour like it has done all week.  
My Brother came up to help with his  kids and my cousin came up also, she hasn't every seen this done she had lots of fun, we even let her try to brand a calf.

 The kids love being able to pet the calves.

Katie is pushing the calves up into the ally way some of the calves have a mind of their own and keep trying to go any way but the direction you want them to go.

One of my nieces who is scared of cows got in the alley and pushed the cows to the shoot was very proud that she got in with them and did a great job. Although the last three were the largest calves and she got out then and said she didn't want to do the larger calves lol.

My nephew trying to ride on of them. Thats one of the fun things on branding day the kids trying  to ride some of the  larger calves they don't usually last to long before they fall off.

My nieces just love the calves I think they petted almost every one that came through the shoot.

After we got done with branding  we had to move the horses to different pasture so we let the girls have a ride. Rosie ( the horse)was being a little stupid so they didn't get to ride very long but I told them to come up this summer after we have worked them a little and ride again.

As you could see when we brand we use a calf table, run the calves in give them their vaccinations and then brand them. My brother and sister in law do it the old fashion way, catch them on horse then tie them and brand them.

Joleen and Katie always try to go and help.
Here they are giving vaccinations.
Branding is a lot of fun and a lot of work. Its probably a good thing it only comes once a year.

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