2016 Food Storage Challenge

Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 Homesteadsteading goals

Where has the time gone? I can't believe it is already 2015 It has gone by so fast. I was looking over last years goals I didn't get near as much done as I had hoped.  

Here is what we did get done.

We didn't work on the milk shed, wood shed, we did do a little work on the corrals seems like there was always so much other stuff that had to be done those always got put on the back burner.

I have built up the daycare a little more I have put together all the preschool lessons we did a few and I am already to start this year using them.

Got the ground cover put down in the back yard. It is so nice and the kids love it.

We got the green house don't have it sat up yet.

Didn't get any soap sold I was doing good to get enough soap made for us to use.

Have kind of scraped the outdoor kitchen idea for now not sure where to put it and a lot of more pressing things.

Did get the bottom front yard planted. Do want to add a couple more things this year.

We got 4 windows replaced and have 5 left to do.

I got a solar oven for Christmas ( so excited to start using) the wonder over I haven't got made yet.

I wasn't as self sufficient as I would of liked need to work on that a little harder this next year.

Didn't get the shop built but did get a big portion of the materials bought.

We did get the bathroom remolded.

Last years personal goals.
Totally failed at most of these sad to say.

I didn't really start keeping up on the bookwork until the middle of the year although when the computer got that virus I can't access any of it so I now have to start all over. I did start a paper copy of some of it when I started keeping up so that is going to help a lot.

Well as you can see I didn't post on the blog as much as I would of liked really want to do a better job of that.

I did work on learning the mandolin a little, for Christmas I got a dvd to help with that.

Did do some scrapbooking but not for myself. We put a book together for my Dad and Mom for Christmas. So now I have all the stuff out and the girls are wanting to do it to so maybe we can work on that a little more.

Did find some history on Andy's Moms family. He has a cousin in Oklahoma that has most all it so Now I can work on his dads side.

Working on the debt free not as far along on it as I would like had a couple unexpected things come up that put that back a little.

And the old exercise more I did a little and have lost 20 pounds still working on that.

Here is the goals for 2015
Homesteading Goals

The rest of the windows put in.

The area east of one of the sheds ground covered laid and some raised beds put in.

The area right behind the house groundcover put down. I have grass planted now but it is so full of weeds, and I would like to have some lawn furniture out there.  If I put a ground cover down we will be able to use that area more.

Need to do some work on the outside of the chicken coop it is pretty ugly right now.

We found 2 more windmills the same as the one we have so hoping we can get enough parts from all three to make one work.

Continue working at becoming more self sufficient. I will have to really work at this in order to keep up on the 300 dollar a month challenge.

Continue working on becoming debt free in a year or two.

Remodel the laundry room and build a linin closest.

Take the dishwasher out and put in a couple shelves.

Continue working on a shop.

Build a wood shed.

Cut our utilities in half.

Do most of my summer cooking in the solar oven.

Get the green house put up.

Build a small green house on to the side of the house to be able to access from in the house.

I am still wanting to get a place set up so we can start milking or at least get a milk goat. We do have a lady we are going to start  trading hay for milk.

If we don't find another place to farm this spring we will have a little more time to get some of the things done around the house.

My personal goals are

I have 30 more pounds that I want to lose.

At least four to five post a week on the blog.

Take a online herb course I have a couple picked out just need to pick which one.

Keep up on the book work and make hard copies of everything then if we lose stuff on the computer it won't be such a big deal.

Have preschool lessons every day.

Do more sewing.

Do more scrapbooking.

Get the family history on Andy's Dads side of the family.

Get better on the mandolin.

So we will see how much of this we can get done this year.
What are your goals for the new year?


  1. Hi Connie, I read your blog from the UK and love it :) I've tried lots of the things you have talked about and hope to learn more from you in 2015! Catherine x

    1. Catherine,
      Thanks, for stopping by I am glad you like it and I am hoping to post a lot more this year have several ideas I am wanting to get out.
      Have a great day

  2. Family history resources; www.ansestory.com
    We are loving doing family history..... Melissa

    1. Kids and canning jars,
      Thanks for the links can't wait to go check them out.
      Have a great day.


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