2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

300 Month Challenge, Menu, Goals


I am a little late getting this out, Andy and I were gone for the weekend so trying to get everything caught up.

City Market had cheese and cottage cheese on sale. We use a lot of cheese and as expensive as it is getting, I am going to have to cut back and use about half of what I use now :( .  They also have rennet tablets so I got 5 packs at 1.99 need to  to try and make hard cheese. So I spent 84.70 at city market. At Wal-Mart I needed a few bags and I cheated and bought some French bread to make pizzas with. At Wal-Mart I spent 10.24. My cousin gave me 3 dozen eggs since my chickens are not laying very well. All in all I spent 94.94 
Last weeks total was 30.15 add 94.94 for 125.09 for the month.
I have 174.91 left for the month. and 3474.91 left for the year.  I am wanting to make some reusable bags so I don't need to use as many plastic bags.

The menu this week is


Cereal and toast
Yogurt and fruit
Scrambled eggs/ toast
Oatmeal / fruit


Chicken Noddle
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Macaroni and Cheese 
French toast
Macaroni and Tomatoes

Will have what ever kind of fruit I have and crackers with the soup.
For Andy's lunch he will have leftovers from the night before.


Baked Raviolis
Crock pot Meatloaf
French bread pizzas
Swiss steak
Stew / with the leftovers from the Swiss steak
King Ranch

Will have a veggie of some sort and bread with each meal.
Saturday or Sunday we will have leftovers.

Well I still didn't get the oranges, grapefruit and Tangerines juiced and canned.
I think about the only thing on last weeks list that I did get done was pour up the vinegars.

So this week I will try to get everything from last week done.
Get the oranges, tangerines and grapefruits taken care of.
Work some more on the quick books.
Start getting the potatoes taken care of ( freezing, canning and dehydrating).
Can some chicken potato soup.
Can some pinto beans.
Try to work on Joleen and Katie's quilts.
Make breakfast Burritos to put in the freezer.

Also need to add some mending to this week.
Dehydrate the cottage cheese that I bought.

I was over at Pint Size Farm the other day and she is doing a Homesteading on a Dime Challenge She goes to 5 different moneymaking sites and spends about 40 minutes  a day on them and has a goal of making 5 dollars a day. I am going to try and see if I can find the time to do this.( In all my spare time lol) She has done a great job of explaining it all. Go check it out if you are looking for a way to make a little extra money. I know 5 dollars a day doesn't sound like much but every little bit helps and adds up. If you do it 5 days a week that is 25 a week and 100 a month.Go here to check it out.

Well have a great week. What are your goals for the week?


  1. I think you should do a post on dehydrating cottage cheese. I had never heard about doing that. Include prep and how you use it later.


    1. kkezir,
      I just bought some cottage cheese to dehydrate so will be doing a post soon.
      Have a great day.


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