2016 Food Storage Challenge

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Food Storage Challenge Week 1


Well as with several things last year this is one more that I started and got busy and didn’t follow through on so I am going to give it another try. I really think it is important to get some food storage in place. I think things are going to start falling apart soon and it will be so much easier to go through if you have a few things set back.
I will try to cover all areas of preparedness and will try to make it more affordable with a lot of make your own, and some tips on how to save money on your food storage .

Every week I will have two items. Try to at least get the first one the amounts are for two people so if you have more you will need to double or triple the amount. The second item will add some variety to your storage. The second item will not normally have and amount just get what you think your family would use in a year ( A good way to figure that is to think about how much you use in a week and times that by 52 or how much you use in a month and times that by 12)

Every Month I will have an item that if you can you should get.
There will also be an action item every month that you need to try and do.

This months item is a wheat grinder you can find a nice hand grinder for not to much I think I paid about 70 dollars for mine.

The action item this month is alternate light sources.
Obviously, lots of candles would be extremely useful. You can often find used ones for free or next to free at yard sales. If you have bees you can make your own .Save the wax from old candles and broken crayons to make new candles from.
Oil lamps are great to have too. I’ve been picking these up at yard sales for really cheap as well. The larger, outdoor style oil lanterns would be handy as well as the more decorative indoor lamps.  Lamp oil is expensive; kerosene is cheaper and works just as well, although it may produce a little smoke. I’ve also read that you can burn olive oil in lamps… something I want to experiment with.
We plan on picking up some solar flashlights on top of these other things.

They have battery powered lanterns now that are real nice. If you plan to use flashlights or any battery power item make sure to have lots of batteries on hand maybe even a solar battery charger.
Use your daylight wisely. Go to bed soon after the sun goes down, and rise with the dawn. This way you won’t use up your resources “burning the midnight oil”.
Keep a supply of lamp and candle wicks, oil, and matches on hand

Something new this year is I am going to add a skills challenge. Try to learn a new skill or at least read up on how to do it.These will be things that will come in handy during hard time and they are also things you can use now.

This month skill is to learn to sew at least be able to do some mending. If you know someone who sews I am sure they would love to teach you. Once you learn the basics it is easier to move on to other things. When my kids were young I made a lot of their clothes to save money. And I am starting to do a lot more sewing now.

This week’s Food Storage Challenge is

1. 10 Lbs Pasta / Dry Soup & Crackers

10 pounds pasta whatever you use the most of.
Dry soups & crackers Dry soups are easy to make with you if you need to be away from home for a while. You can make your own dry soup packs which I will cover a little later on. You can make your own crackers go here to see how when you store crackers be sure to keep them in a dry cool place. If they get to warm they will taste like the package. Also be sure to rotate.

Every week you need to also put back water you can fill empty containers with water (Do not use milk jugs they do not last

long and it is hard to get them clean enough) Juice and soda containers work great.

Every week you need to try and put back a few dollars just whatever you can afford ever little bit will help.

Have a great week.




  1. I am so with you on the storage needs for our families. Folks just don't seem to get it. I also believe that some day soon the store shelves will be bare or at least not have anything on them I want to feed my family. I bought a 12 pack of outdoor solar lights at the end of last years season and hubs made wooden blocks to use for supports for a few of them. We can put outside to charge and inside in the evening for a few hours of "free" light.

    1. Kim ,
      I agree so many people don't see what is coming but I also want to make sure my family has enough food. I love the idea of the wood blocks for the light I have some that I use but I just put them in vases. Will have to try the block idea.
      Have a great day

  2. Guess what i found in the shed? A hand operated wheat grinder - insane....not even sure who I got it off or when.

    1. Phil,
      I just love when I find things I had forgotten about, especially when it is something I can use lol
      Have a great day

  3. I love reading your site and your frugal ways. I do use milk jugs but I exchange them every 2 or 3 years, we do not drink sodas and we can our juice so this is my only option for storing extra water for the house. We have 3 500 gallon water tanks that is filtered from the well so I feel confident with the 1 gallon milk jugs with 1/8 teaspoon of Clorox in the house for short term emergency.

    1. Thanks, I think milk jugs would be ok as long as they are cleaned real well and you add the bleach, then change them out every so often my Dad had some stored and didn't change them out they eventually started leaking. It is great that you have 3 500 gallon water tanks filled and a well. We want to dig a well but don't have the funds to do so right now (maybe one of these days ).
      Have a great day


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