2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Making Tallow Candles

I tried making these some time back and wasn't real happy with them, so I tried again, only this time I added a little bees wax and braided the wicks. I am very happy with them now.

First I rendered the tallow and strained it.
I put it through a colander to get the larger pieces out
them pour it through a knee high to strain out the smaller stuff.
After I strained it I added 2 oz of beeswax to every 2 cups of tallow (when we clean up our beeswax we pour it into ice cube trays and the cubes are approximately 2 oz each) I also added some cinnamon essential oils to help with the smell.  
I have tried to make my own candle wick but haven't had any luck yet so I am using store bought wick right now till I can work on making my own wicks. I use a small washer to put in the bottom of the jar.  Then tie three strands of wick on it, then braid them together.
I pushed a pencil  in the middle of the braid to hold the wick at the correct height
Then pour the hot tallow and wax into the jars be sure to keep the wick straight and in the center.
Let cool until set up. You can put them in the fridge to speed this up. After they are set up cut the wick about a 1/4 of an inch from the candle. Then they are ready to use.

I have three candles here in the one on the far right I just used a single wick as you can see it didn't burn very well.

The one in the center I added some steric acid I wanted to see if it would make it harder and burn longer. It burned the same as the candle with just the wax and tallow. 

These are after nine hours of burning they weren't quite half way burned down.
I will be making a lot more of these.
Have you tried making tallow or lard candles? If so how did they turn out?


  1. 9 hours and only slightly used up - impressive!

    1. Phil,
      I was real surprised at how long it burned, and only used up a little of the candle. I will be making a bunch more of these.
      Have a great day,

  2. Tallow candles are a good use of homegrown resources. I've made wicks that have worked well http://glory-farm.blogspot.com/2011/03/tallow-candles.html has the recipe I used. I would guess lard candles would work about the same???
    Wish you lived closer, we could have a mess of fun! :)

    1. Odiie,
      Thanks for the tip on wicks I will have to try that. I am wanting to try the lard Thinking I will have to add a little more bees wax in them though. I would be great if we lived closer I would love to have someone close who has the same mindset that we have. Yes the things we could do lol.
      Have a great day.

  3. Two tablespoons of borax in half-cup of water, put in cut to length cotton twine, stir well, soak over night or 12 hours. Dry out completely, longer for high humidity, shorter for dry air. The size of the flame seems to depend on the size of the twine. The flame did not spark or crackle as plain cotton twine sometimes does. I like using cut-glass bowls or colored jars for the phsycological effect of beautiful light. When we lived in Flagstaff, with leaky windows, we found that six candles put ouit an amazing amount of warmth in a small room.

    1. Thanks for this. I will have to give it a try. I really want to be able to do my own wicks.
      Have a great day,

  4. Loved your tutorial along with the pictures! Using the knee high as a strainer is a perfect idea! I've made my own tallow, but have not yet made tallow candles. This goes onto my to-do list!!! Thanks again!

    1. Spicing up Idaho,
      Thanks, I love using the knee high they are soo easy to use.Try the candles they are easy to make and work real well.
      Have a great day,

  5. I made mine with sheep tallow and really like them, scentless, long burning etc


    1. Farm gal
      I will have to remember that I don't have much access to sheep tallow. If I do I am going to try this though.
      Have a great day,

  6. I have some tallow in our freezer from our last butcher waiting to be turned into candles. Thanks for your tutorial! I am wondering though, what didn't you like about the pure tallow candles?

    Also, Thanks for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays!

    1. Jes,
      I tried the straight tallow candles and they didn't seem to burn that great, but I am wondering if it was the wicks. I am going to try the straight tallow again but with a different wick.
      Have a great day.

    2. Okay, thank you for getting back with me. I think I will go ahead and try since it would be free (but more costly for me to add the beeswax).

  7. What a great post! Love it! Pinned and tweeted. We love to party with you, so I hope to see you tonight at 7 pm. That would be so awesome.
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  8. Yet another homesteading skill I'd like to learn! I'll get there eventually. Thanks for the great post and sharing on the Homestead Blog Hop! Pinned this one!

  9. Do they smell when you burn them?
    Thanks for sharing at the HomeAcre Hop

    1. Sandra,
      Surprisingly enough they don't smell. You can add some fragrance if you want but it isn't necessary.
      Have a great day

  10. How neat. I would love to make some candles. Thanks for sharing on the HomeAcre hop :)


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