2016 Food Storage Challenge

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Make Your Own Cool-Whip

This taste really close to cool-whip and it doesn't have all the stupid stuff in it. It does take a little planning ahead but not much. It works great in recipes calling for cool-whip and as a dessert topping. Plus it is a lot cheaper to make and it uses stuff most of us already have in our pantry.

Start by placing your mixing bowl and beaters in the freezer.
I put some ice in a measuring cup and add enough water to make 1/2 a cup ( make sure it is crushed or small pieces of ice).

Put 2 tsp cold water in a small bowl. Add 1 tsp unflavored gelatin.

Stir together
Put 3  Tbl of water in a small sauce pan. Start to warm it then

add the gelatin mixture and bring to a boil until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let cool to room temperature before using. I put mine in the freezer for a few minutes to cool it off. If you forget and leave it to long and it gets solid just reheat. (Which I seem to do a lot ha ha)  

Get your bowl and beaters from the freezer. Add  your 1/2 cup ice water, and 1/2 cup nonfat dry milk.

Beat on high speed until stiff peaks form.

Keep beating and add 4 Tbls of sugar, gelatin, 3 Tbls of oil, ( vegetable, coconut, or olive)and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix well.

Place in the freezer for about 10 to 15 minutes. If not using right away place in the fridge until ready to use. Stir before using.

The colder everything is the faster it will whip up.
You can add a different flavor of extract to go with what ever you are putting it in.

I remember my Mom, when I was younger she would whip up powdered milk ,water and sugar to make a whipped topping. 

So any way, one more thing you don't need to go to the store for.


  1. My hubby is lactose intolerant. And I don't like cool whip. We'll be trying this out to see if it suits both of us! Thanks for sharing it on Tuesday With a Twist!

    1. Sue,
      I hope that this gives you an alternative to cool-whip.
      Have a great day

  2. I love plain old whipping cream, a bit of vanilla, a little sugar...

    1. Nancy,
      I do to. but it is soo expensive so it is only for a very special occasions.
      Have a great day.

  3. Wow, what a neat recipe! I haven't bought cool whip in years because of the weird ingredients but I would love to put some of this on desserts. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays :)

    1. Jes,
      I love being able to make my own and not have to worry about all the weird stuff.
      Have great day

  4. Oh my…so delicious! I always get so excited to see what you have brought to the party! Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for being part of our party. I hope to see you on tonight at 7. Lou Lou Girls

  5. How cool is this?! I'm glad to have a "no-junk" alternative to use in recipes that call for cool whip now!

    Thanks for sharing at the Homestead Blog Hop! :)


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