2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Going to give it one more try.

(Thanks Tabitha Graf for the picture)

First off I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and hope you have a great New Year.

I can't believe it has been over five months since my last post. Not sure where the time goes, but have been soo busy. When I started this blog I did it so I could share information, I kind of felt like it something that I needed to do. I wanted to share the information and things that I know with others, and have it all in one place so they wouldn't have to take the time to search for it in different places.

The past few weeks I have really felt a pulling to resume posting so I am going to try again, and work a little harder at keeping up with it.

I will a little later on do a recap of the 300 a week challenge. I did pretty good with it until about the last month or so. So I will share that and start it all over at the first of the year. I had lost my source for fresh milk, but have found another, only instead of trading hay I do have to buy it so that will cut into my 300 dollars, but I will be making all my dairy products except hard cheese.

I got a drop spindle for Christmas along with to balls of wool and a hour of free lessons to learn how to spin it, so looking forward to sharing that with you.   

I also received a serger sewing machine so hope to be doing more sewing projects also.

And been experimenting with, and doing a little once a month cooking. 

Hope everyone has a great week and look forward to getting back on track with my posting.


  1. I have a drop spindle made by a friend and I have never used it so can't wait to hear of your adventures.

    1. I can't wait to learn how to use it. I will try to give a detailed post so maybe you can figure out how to use it.
      Have a great day,

  2. Am delighted that there is hope that you will return. Have missed all the good information as our situation seems to becoming worse.

    1. Joani,
      Thank you so much. I am going to really try and keep it caught up. I do agree things are becoming worse, and every little extra helps.
      Have a great day.

  3. I have gotten bad about posting on my blog too. Trying to get back into the swing.

    1. Michelle,
      Seems once you go a few days with out posting it is harder to get back to it. Hoping I can get a little more organized and stay on top of it better.
      Have a great day,


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