2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, January 25, 2016

300 a Month Challenge, Menu, Goals


We had people over Saturday to play music again. A better turn out this time as the weather was a lot better. I made a big pot of Chili for the music, which was kind of nice for the cold weather.The storm didn't come in until Sunday morning, when it did though we got about 3 more inches on top of the over two feet we already have. ( I am so over the snow). 
Sunday afternoon 3 of my brothers and their family's, my Mom, Dad, and some friends all come over to go sledding in our back pasture. My brother pulls a old car hood that he rigged up behind his jeep. Well the snow was to deep and since it had snowed that morning it was super soft on top so the jeep wasn't able to get through it. So hopefully another day soon. 
After that I ran Katie into town  to turn in her paperwork for work since the roads were so bad. Then came home and feel asleep on the couch while Andy watched the football game. I figured since I had Chili left from the night before, I might as well make some fry bread for Navajo Tacos which made the whole family happy haha.
The only thing I bought this week was milk so all I spent was 20 dollars.
 20 dollars this week added to the 95.55 total for the month is 115.55 for the month. that leaves me 184.45 for the month, and 3300.00 left for the year.
Menu for the week
Cream of Wheat
French Toast
Cheese omelets
To these I will add toast or fruit.
Chicken Noodle's
Grilled Cheese
Tuna Sandwich
Beef Noodle's
H.M. Hot Pockets
To these I will add  fruit, crackers, or something as a side dish.
Green Chili Enchilada's
Baked Raviolis
Potato Soup
Salisbury Steak
Rotel H.B. helper
To these I will add a vegetable or appropriate side 
Animal Crackers
Granola Bars
Cheese crackers
Andy's Snacks
Cheese cake
Apple crisp
Goals for the week.
I am not sure where the time goes but it seems I can't get anything done. I worked a little on tax stuff, Didn't even get the sewing machine out, oranges done or potatoes.
So I guess this week I will try to get all of last weeks goals done.
This week I want to get the oranges and grapefruit put up. I need to get started on the onions and the potatoes before they start going bad. I am going to have to wait a little longer on the chicken coop, my wheel barrel is buried under the snow, its not to bad so it won't hurt it to wait a little longer.
I really need to get my sewing machine out and get started on a bunch of stuff, Katie's robe, pants mended, a couple quilts I need to finish, some storage bags, a baby blanket, just to name a few of the things I need to get done.
I got a serger for Christmas I have started the video on it, need to finish watching it so I know what I am doing.
Yes I just copied last weeks list. I have so much I need to get done and I'm not sure where all the time goes. Although with Joleen gone a whole lot for school and training I don't have the help that I had and it sure makes a difference. I do want to start planning the garden tis week, I am going to do a few things different so I do need to get started on that.
How are you doing on your spending and goals this week, I would love to hear from you.
Have a great week.


  1. I am finally following a meal plan after 4 tries YAAA! . I have a lot of sewing I still have to do also. Time just seems to get away from me.

    1. Michelle,
      It sure does help when you have a menu plan, one less thing to have to worry about during the day "what to have for supper". I don't know why it is so hard to get the sewing done but it always seems to be last on the list, but it is getting to the point it needs to be first lol.
      Have a great day.

  2. Delicious menu! Meal plans are great budget savers. Love them.


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