2016 Food Storage Challenge

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Why I don't use Coupons

I had someone ask me the other day if I use coupons, and if they are worth it. I know I am going to have a lot of people disagree with me on this, but I don't think they are worth it. Here is why. But first let me say that when this idea came out many years ago, I did do it for a while and  there was even a couple times I got a huge basket of groceries for just a couple dollars. 

  1. They are very time consuming, to make it really work you have to spend hours clipping and looking, I don't have that kind of time.
  2. They are almost always for name brand items. I very very seldom buy name brand, generally you can get the store brand for the price of the name brand with the coupon or for a little cheaper.
  3. You have to shop all the stores around, and find the sales to make the coupons worth the effort. Once again I don't have that kind of time.
  4. I would have to either subscribe to several newspapers or go to town to get the papers to get the coupons. I can't see spending all that extra money on extra papers that are not going to get read. And since I live over ten miles from town running in and getting the papers wouldn't be worth it. I know now you can get a lot off the internet but once again time is a factor.
  5.  Since I make most all my stuff from scratch not many of the coupons would benefit me.
  6. Coupons entice you to buy things that you wouldn't normally buy. That is one of the reasons they put them out there.

Now I am not saying I never use coupons, If I see one for something I am already planning on buying I will use it.

I guess for people who have a ton of time and use a lot of name brand items it might be ok. But for me I don't have the time, And I feel my homemade is far better then then store bought. 

So do you use coupons and if so why, and do they benefit you? I would love to hear from you, and if you don't why do you not?


  1. This is why I never got into couponing, Same reasons you stated. And yes, once in awhile I use a coupon or two if it is for an item I was already going to buy. I got frustrated years ago when I went to the grocery store with my packet of coupons and carefully made grocery list only to find even WITH coupons the store brands still beat the coupon item prices. ( I left my coupons on top of the items they were made for knowing someone else would probably appreciate them.)

    1. Kathy,
      It is so surprising how many people want the name brands just because they are name brand. Even when they cost so much more even with the coupon.
      Have a great day,

  2. I have a fairly good memory, and track the cyclical prices of most of the stuff we buy. When it hits a low point, we stock up big time. For example, I found organic canned pumpkin for 55 cents each, usually $2.19 so I bought 24 cans (expiration 2019).

    When I get home I use a black sharpie to note the date purchased and price. It helps the memory! So no, we don't use a lot of coupons, but watch prices and have a big walkin pantry.

    1. K,
      That is the way I am, I remember the prices of most of the things I but so when I find it on sale I know if it is a good sale or not. Good score on the pumpkin I love when I find deals like that, I to stock way up on them.
      Have a great day,

  3. Replies
    1. Joani,
      They just seem to be so time consuming with out much reward as far as I am concerned.
      Have a great day,

  4. Same reasons as you stated. ..could never get ino it. Hello from one Watkins to another on a "ranch" in Idaho.

  5. I used to play "grocery game" with my home schooled kids...we would collect coupons, check sales, match coupons to sales and see how low we could go. I would give them $10 and we would see how much they could buy/save. It was a fun way to practice math and good opportunity to teach them about making the most out of money. We don't eat the kinds of foods that you can usually get coupons for, but we would take all the food that we were able to get free or for for deep discount and donate it to our local food bank. But I hardly ever find coupons for things that we eat since they seldom have coupons for fresh produce, so I have little use for them normally. Just when I am doing a food bank donation trip :)

    1. Elle,
      That is such a good idea teaches the kids prices, saving,charity and math.
      Have a great day,

  6. I used to play "grocery game" with my home schooled kids...we would collect coupons, check sales, match coupons to sales and see how low we could go. I would give them $10 and we would see how much they could buy/save. It was a fun way to practice math and good opportunity to teach them about making the most out of money. We don't eat the kinds of foods that you can usually get coupons for, but we would take all the food that we were able to get free or for for deep discount and donate it to our local food bank. But I hardly ever find coupons for things that we eat since they seldom have coupons for fresh produce, so I have little use for them normally. Just when I am doing a food bank donation trip :)


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