2016 Food Storage Challenge

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Week 6 Food Storage Challenge

25 pounds of Sugar or 5 pounds of Honey / Detergents

25 pounds of sugar at Wal-mart is 13.24. Sugar is the cheapest sweetener to store and it does last a very long time. It may clump up but it is still good. If you store it in 5 gallon buckets it wont clump as bad, I have some stored in buckets and some stored in the bags it came in, it does clump up a lot more in the bags. I've not stored any in Mylar but I am assuming it wont clump up in the Mylar bags.( If you have stored it in Mylar please share about how well it stores).

Honey is a little more expensive,5 pounds of honey at Wal-Mart is 19.98. Honey stores forever it may sugar a little, if it does this just warm up to liquefy it back to where it was. If you can afford it it is great to have, but if not sugar also works. They also make a honey powder it is 10.76 for 3 pounds at Wal-Mart. I have looked at the ingredients and it is mostly sugar with flavoring ( no honey in it). I have some and it dose taste like honey though so if you want the honey flavor with out the huge expense you have a choice.

Detergents You can store detergents or you an store things to  Make your own. I didn't price the different detergents since there are so many different ones and the prices vary ( all expensive). If you plan to make your own you will need to store Borax, Washing Soda ( if you have baking soda you an Make your own washing soda for a fraction of the price of store bought ), Fels Napta or Zote, ( unless you make your own soap then you need lye, hope to do a post soon on making your own lye).   

The Action Item for this month is to get your garden planned, even if you only have a small area you can plant a lot ( there is all kinds of information on the web for small area gardening). If you have  already had a garden try to expand and add a few more things maybe even some things you haven't tried to grow before. You might want to look into berry bushes and fruit trees also. if you have landscaping in your yard you might want to think about replacing some things with edibles (If you have to water might as well water something that gives something back).

The extra item for this month will be garden seeds, bushes, trees and herbs. After you get your garden planned try to start ordering the seeds and things you need for it.

Continue to put back water, either fill your own or buy store bought.

Keep adding some to your money stash. Add what you can, try to set a weekly goal even if it is only a few dollars every little bit will help and will be more then you had.

Have a great week.


  1. I store my sugar still in the bag in popcorn tins. I found wash powder on sale and I got 5 (80 loads) boxes, that's will do us 1 year. When I open items I put the date I opened it, then when its empty I check the date so I know how long that item will last, now I know how many I need per year.
    I already ordered and received my seed order. Got extra just in case I can't save my own seed.
    Have a great week!

    1. Sue,
      Dating stuff is such a good idea, I just recently started doing this on some of the things that we use a lot of then I can have an idea of how much we use.
      Getting extra seed is a good a idea also I am planning on ordering more then I need and also order a few from things that I usually save seeds from just in case something happens and I can't harvest the seeds from the plants that year.
      Have a great day,

  2. We are hoping to build a couple of more raised beds this year.
    I would love to get some raspberries planted too.

    1. Sandra,
      I am also wanting to do more raised beds they seem to be so much easier to take care of. I have a few raspberry's but also want more since I use a lot of them.
      have a great day.


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