2016 Food Storage Challenge

Saturday, June 4, 2016

June Food Storage Challenge weeks 22,23.24,25

Ok I completely dropped the ball on this for the month of June.
I am going to make just one post for the month of June and make it simple stuff to make catching it up a little easier. I do have the items on the side bar a few weeks in advance but I do like to go into a little more detail.
Week 22
1000 Multi Vitamins / Canned Fruit
It is a good idea to take vitamins on a daily basis since most of our foods don't have enough nutrients in them like they use to. If you are in a situation where you are having to relay on your food storage that more than likely means you are under a lot more stress and probably are being more physical, so you will need the extra vitamins and minerals that you get from a good multi vitamin. This is one thing that you want to make sure and rotate as you use. Get the vitamins that you use on a daily basis. I like to get mine from Puritans pride they have reasonable prices and several to chose from. 
Canned fruit you can either can your own or get from the store. Wal-Mart has canned fruit from 98 cents up to 1.86 depending on what you get.
This months action item is to learn where the shut off  valves are for your water, and gas. And where your main breaker is for the electricity. And how to close and turn them off.
The extra item for this month is Games, puzzles, and books. If you have no power it will be nice to have some games, puzzles and books to help pass the time. You can pick up a lot of these at yard sales. If the games don't have all the pieces you can usually go online to the company and for a small price get the missing pieces. Puzzles you do have to be a little more careful with when buying used. I very seldom will buy a puzzle from a yard sale or second hand store I try to get these when they have been marked down at the store or on clearance sale. Books you can get a second hand stores, yard sale and used book stores. Get a variety of books not everyone is going to want to read what you think are the best books.
Week 23
12 boxes of Mac and Cheese / Popcorn
Mac and Cheese get the brand that your family will eat. Mine have ate the store brand for so long they don't like the name brand.
Wal-Mart has mac and cheese for 78 cents a box. Another option is if you have a good cheese powder that you like store that and extra macaroni.
Popcorn,  this is nice to have just for a snack food. Learn how to cook this on the stove. This is the only way I cook popcorn, I think it taste way better this way.   
Week 24,
20 pounds Pasta / Dried Potatoes
20 Pounds of pasta I usually get macaroni and spaghetti noodles since it is pretty easy to make your own noodles. Wal-Mart has these for 1.00.
Dried Potatoes, You can dry your own or buy boxes of instant potato's, If you dry your own you can get large bags of potatoes from the farmer or get them when on sale. Another easy way to dehydrate potatoes if you don't have a cheap and easy way to get fresh is to buy frozen and dehydrate them.
Week 25
10 Pounds of Powder Milk / Garbage bags
10 Pounds of powder milk when you get this you do need to repackage. I put mine in quart jars and dry pack. Powder milk if stored correctly will last a very ling time. Wal-Mart has powder milk 64 ounces for 15.98 or 25.60 ounces for 7.98.
Garbage bags There are so many other uses for these it is a good idea to have extras on hand.
Don't forget to add some to your money stash even if it only a few dollars, it all adds up.
Put back more water.

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