2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th

" Happy Independence Day America!"
~ God Bless America
We salute today the red, white and blue; ...
Our nation’s colors, those that have always run true.

Our country was founded over 200 years ago today;
Let us take time to thank God, and for our country do pray.

Hard times she has faced and wars she has fought to stay free;
It is the price we willing paid for our liberty.

Let us never forget the lessons our fore fathers tried to teach;
Success in this great country is always within our reach.

We became a nation of laws and doing what’s right;
Sometimes we faltered and failed to see the light.

Today should be a day of reflection and praise to be given;
If not for the brave men then free we would not be livin’.

Our flag has flown over many lands and on every sea;
Let us never forget the price many paid to be free.

Many will go to different places to celebrate with fireworks in the sky; Take time to remember and reflect on why.
Celebrate and enjoy this day with a reverence pause;
For if we forget why, we just may become but a lost cause.

We came from many countries to become one nation of the brave;
Let us also remember this day the price that was paid.

It was to God that our fore fathers did pray and give thanks above;
If we forget, then we may cease to receive His divine love.

So take a moment during all your celebrating today and say a prayer; That once again we show God how much we really care.
Put your hands together and do pray with me;
That once again God will smile down on us favorably.

Enjoy your day and have lots of fun;
But never forget that without God we would never have begun.

May God Bless America this day and always with His love;
May He once again smile upon us and bless us from above.

Poem by, Michael Gasaway

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