2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, August 1, 2016

300 a Month,Menu, Week Goals.

Been busy this past week helping Joleen move out into her own place. ( It is going to be so strange not having her home.) She still has a few things left to get but for the most part she is moved out. She got a place with a friend not to far from here. I had forgotten how much stuff you need starting out, even just getting the basics. Luckily I had quite a bit of stuff I was able to give her, we furnished her house and a lot of kitchen stuff enough to get them started ( at least I hope).

With that going on didn't get to much else done. Did get 7 quarts of spaghetti sauce canned.

I started selling Doterra oils something I have been thinking about doing for some time now.
As you can see not much done, oh well always next week haha.

Goals for the week
 I want to get more spaghetti sauce canned (have you ever had a word that your brain just refuses to remember how to spell? I swear every time I go to write spaghetti I have to look it up, drives me crazy :)  )

Need to mow the back and front yards and mow down some weeds along the driveway.

Bought 2 cases of fresh corn yesterday so I want to put these in the freezer, I still have several jars canned from last year.

I got several yellow squash in my bountiful baskets so I want to put some of them in the freezer.

Move a lot of the daycare stuff to Joleens now vacated room.

Get flyers made for our upcoming music festival.

Replant the pots of flowers by the front door. Forgot to have the girls water them while we were gone so between that and the grasshoppers, they didn't survive. I found some replacement flowers on clearance sale so I don't feel to horribly bad about having to replant.

I would like to make several crock pot meals for Joleen so they have something to eat while trying to get settled in.

Hopefully I can get that all done along with all the have to do things.

300 a Month Challenge

Well as I mentioned a little while back I have had prepper and frugal fatigue, so I kind of fell off the wagon and bounced very far away from it. But I think I am back in the game again, I am going to have to start over on my 300 a month, pretty sure I exceeded my limit the past few months. I will start with August and that will give me 5 months to go, with 1500 dollars left for the year.

This weeks menu

Cream of wheat
French Toast
Cheese omelets

To these I will add toast or fruit.

Fish Sticks / tater tots
Mac & Cheese
Mini pizzas ( Homemade)
Grilled Cheese
Macaroni and Tomatoes

To these I will add  fruit, crackers, or something as a side dish.

Stuffed Peppers ( peppers from Bountiful Baskets)
Mexican Steak
Steaks on the grill 
Cheesy Spaghetti
Crock pot Chicken Fried Steak

To these I will add a vegetable and appropriate side.


Animal Crackers

Granola Bars
Cheese crackers 

Andy's Snacks
Strawberry Shortcake
Peach Cobbler

What are your goals for the week ?

Have a great week.

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