2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This Weeks Goals and Menu

I am so excited we ordered our green house the other day it should be here in a week. All ready making plans of all I am going to grow in it.

This past week I was able to put up 150 pounds of potatoes I froze some mashed potatoes and dried the rest. Still have a lot to do.

I got 50 pounds of onions dried and some in the freezer.

Started my diet and exercising. (hope I stick to it).

I would really like to say I started on my book work but about all I got done on that was gathered up some papers. I hate when I am so far behind on it and need to hurry and catch it up ( I hate taxes).

We got a steer to the butcher.

So I guess this next week I need to work on potatoes, onions and the lemons and oranges. Start on bookwork and continue on the diet and exercising.

Here is this weeks menu.

       Breakfast                    Lunch                               Dinner

M         French Toast              Pizza                                 Baked

T         Cereal                         Pancakes                            Pot Pie

W      Yogurt                       Mac & Cheese                     Tamile Pie

T       Scrambles Eggs        Spaghetti                           Beef     

F     Cream of Wheat            Beef Noodle                   Navajo Tacos

S                                                                                   Chili

S                                                                                    King Ranch

All the lunches will have fruit and a side that goes with it like toast with the spaghetti and the dinners will have what ever we are wanting to have with them.

Snacks will be brownies and Cinnamon Monkey bread.

So what are your goals for the week?


  1. I have been busy sewing some curtains to help hold the cold out and the heat in the summer. Ran out of thread but waiting until today when our fabric store is having a sale on everything-50% off, so excited.Finish making enough candles for a while.

  2. I've been trying to gather all the things I need to make soap for the year and fabric to make some clothes.


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