2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Recipe for King Ranch

I am going to start posting some of the recipes for things on my menu this week I have King Ranch on the menu it originally call for chicken but since Andy doesn’t care for chicken I substituted hamburger for the chicken. Andy really likes this and the girls like to dip it up with corn tortillas chips.

King Ranch

1 pound cooked ground beef or 1 pound cooked cubed chicken

¼ cup butter or margarine

1 medium bell pepper chopped ( I use what I have in the freezer from the garden last fall)

1 medium onion chopped ( same thing I use canned or frozen onion)

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

2 cans rotel diced tomatoes and green chili ( I use a jar that I have canned) also if you have kids that don’t like chunky tomatoes you can put the rotel in the blender , food processor or use you stick blender right in the can then they never know the  tomatoes are in it.

12 corn tortillas torn into bite size pieces

2 cups cheddar cheese.

Preheat oven to 325 ( I usually just turn it on when I put this in the oven).

In a large pan melt butter and add bell peppers and onions cook about 5 minutes till tender add meat, rotel and soups stir until blended. Alternately layer tortillas soup mixture and cheese repeating for three layers. ( or you can do it my lazy way I just mix everything together except for a ½ cup cheese pour into my pan then top with remaining cheese ) Bake 40 miniutes or until hot and bubbly. Serves 8


  1. Wonderful, Connie!
    I think my husband would love this!
    Blessings :-)

  2. Sounds great, but I'd have to nix the Rotel because my boys (5 & 8) wouldn't eat it. I'll have to play around with it...and thanks for sharing.

  3. Sounds really good. Pinned for a future dinner.


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