2016 Food Storage Challenge

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Week 9 Food Storage Challenge

Soap / First aid supplies

Bath and dish soap if you plan to make your own you will need to get lye and some extra lard , shortening, or some kind of fats.

First Aid supplies I have a list here of some things you should have in your first aid kits.

Add more to your money stash.

Get more water.

For march you need to try and figure out some alternative ways for cooking. If you have a wood stove you might practice cooking on it. A BBQ, rocket stove, solar oven, or a wonder oven. I am wanting to make a solar and wonder ovens to cook on this summer to try and save on propane.There are a lot of patterns for both on the Internet. 

The skill for the month is Herbs, try to learn and collect  information on medicinal herbs. Learn about what grows in your area , so you are not dependant on store bought herbs.

The item to get  for the month is canning supplies. If you don't have  canner try to get one. If you do have a canner, stock up on jars and lids you might want to think about tattler reusable lids.

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