2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, January 26, 2015

300 a month challenge,Menu, Goals

A little late getting this out been helping Joleen with her FFA record book. Have to have it all done by Thursday so she can put for her state degree. Some of the records are missing the AG shop was under remolding for the last two years so a lot of things were misplaced so having all kinds of fun getting it all figured out.

I didn't get a picture of what I bought. Joleen helped bring stuff in and we just put it away with out thinking to do a picture. So here is what I bought, Head of lettuce, coffee, Stir fry Vegetables ( I paid 5.98 for I, after looking at buying the stuff fresh I think the frozen was a cheaper way to go, Need to do the math on it.)Spinish,2 gallons of Ammonia, Dish soap (need to start making my own),Bath tissue and I splurged and bought a dozen donuts ( the girls had been wanting some and I can send them for Andy's snack a couple days)I spent a total of 30.24.
Last weeks total was 125.09 for the month add 30.24 for 155.33 for the month. I have 144.67 left for the month.
Was at 3444.67  left for the year now it is 3474.91 left for the year.
Not doing as good as I was hoping. I do need to start ordering bountiful baskets again so I have more fruit and vegetables on hand instead of having to buy them.

This weeks menu.

Cream of Wheat /toast
Scrambled eggs
yogurt/ fruit
Cereal / toast
cheese omelets

French Toast
Chicken Potato soup
Fish sticks / H.M. fries
Grilled Cheese
Macaroni & tomatoes

Will have what ever kind of fruit I have and crackers with the soup.
For Andy's lunch he will have leftovers from the night before.

Mexican Steak
Stuffed Peppers
Sausage cheese pie/ potato crust
Chili Rellenos  casserole
Cheeseburger pie

Will have a veggie of some sort and bread with each meal.
Saturday or Sunday we will have leftovers.

 Goals for the week
Haven't been doing very good about sticking to my to do list.
The only thing on last weeks list that I got done was work on quick books.
I wasn't feeling real great the first part of the week so didn't really do any thing. Then this weekend we cleaned out one of our sheds and got rid of a bunch of stuff and organized it. When we got married it ws a quick move so I put a lot of stuff in the shed planning on going through  it in a few weeks which turned into months then years so now ten years later we are finally getting to it.
The mice got in to a lot of stuff which was real nasty so I had to throw out a lot of stuff. The girls lost a lot of their stuffed animals and some baby clothes. But we got it done.Although I had to bring in about 10 boxes of stuff that I have to go through (not sure where I am going to put it all).We hauled a trailer load of stuff to the trash.

So this weeks goals will pretty much be the same as last weeks
I have to get the oranges and grapefruits done before I lose them.
Work on potatoes
Dehydrate the cottage cheese.
This is all I am going to try to get done this week so maybe I can get it done.

What are your goals for this week?

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