2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

300 a Month, menu, and goals

I did great this week didn't even go to the store so I spent nothing woo hoo. So I have spent 60.27 for the month have 239.79 left. 3414.64 left for the year.

I got these vintage jars for Christmas, I love them they are so cute.

I have a lot of my dehydrated food and herbs on the counter where I can get to them, as you can see they are in just what ever jar I had handy. So I decided to change them out and use the vintage jars for them.
 A before
And after the new jars look so much better, don't you think?
This week menu
Cream of Wheat
yogurt and fruit
cheese omelets
Chicken Noodles
Mac & Cheese
Grilled Cheese
Tuna sandwiches
Will have what ever kind of fruit I have and crackers with the soup.
For Andy's lunch he will have leftovers from the night before.
Green Chili Enchiladas
Beef tips
Potato soup
Meat loaf
Navajo Tacos
Will have a veggie of some sort and bread with each meal.
Saturday or Sunday we will have leftovers.

This week goals
I got the house deep cleaned funny how I have to have company coming in order to get that done. I am almost done with the oranges, and grapefruits. Have the cauliflower and radish's ready to put in vinegar for pickled cauliflower and radishes. Have the cottage cheese dried ( will be doing a post on it in the next couple days). I didn't have time to work on Joleen's book. I am almost done with this months daycare lessons, have the first half done need to get the last half done.

This week I am going to try and get these things done.
Finish the oranges, radishes, and cauliflower.
Work on Potato's
Joleens book
Get some sewing done
finish the daycare lessons
I am sure I will find more to add the the list haha.
Have a great week , what are your goals for the week?



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