2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

300 a Month, Menu, Weeks goals

My brother getting ready to take the kids sledding. With everything going on this weekend I didn't get to go but they had lots of fun.
Been a pretty crazy week around here. My dad had surgery on his shoulder Wednesday he did real well with it. Only he can't use it for 16 weeks so this should be interesting as my dad isn't one to just sit around he is always up working on his trucks , driving them or working around the house, always doing something. He got home Thursday night.
Friday they put my mother in law in the hospital. She has a sore on her leg that has been there for about 3 months and just won't heal  they put her in to try and get it healed up come to find out she has a staff infection in it so they have her on high powered antibiotics and not sure when they will let her out.
Friday evening my nephew his wife and daughter got into town. They are on their way home from Missouri where he was taking a class for two months (he in in the army)  she was staying with her family while he was taking the class. Any how she is 8 months pregnant and had a few problems before they left Missouri. When they got here she had a message from the Doctor in Missouri that they wanted her to get induced here. When they got into town she wasn't feeling to good so they went to the E.R about 11:00 that night the4y went ahead and keep her  potassium levels were real low so they got that up and went ahead and let her out they don't want to induce but they also don't want her traveling (she is due in about 4 weeks) so she is on complete bed rest. So between her my dad and Mother in Law it was a very busy week end.
In between all that, we got my linen closet put in that I have been waiting for (and had all the stuff for) for 4 years. We had a space for a freezer, but put the freezer in the mud room with the idea of putting in a linen closet This house doesn't have a whole lot of storage so  closet was badly needed. And yes I already have it full haha.
I did good again this week and didn't go to town so I spent nothing. I am probably going to have to get to town this next week some time.
So I am still at 60.27 for the month with 239.79 left for the month and 3414.64 left for the year.
This weeks menu.
French Toast
Cheese omelets
Scrambled eggs and toast
H.M. Hot pockets
Fish sticks
Mac & Cheese
P B & J
Chicken Noodle
Will have what ever kind of fruit I have and crackers with the soup.
For Andy's lunch he will have leftovers from the night before.

Chili Relleno casserole
Chicken Fried Steak
Crock Pot Meatloaf
French Bread pizza
King Ranch 
Sausage with fried potatoes
Will have a veggie of some sort and bread with each meal.
Saturday or Sunday we will have leftovers.

Well I said above this weekend was pretty busy. I was able to do a little mending this past week and I get some laundry soap made. Did not get to work on taxes or Joleens book.
The Goals for this week.
Work on Taxes, Have to get to work on these, running out of time.
Work on potatoes, will be so glad when I get these all done.
Work on Joleens book.
Get some more mending done. So hopefully I can get some of this done. Don't know what the problem is just can't seem to get things done like I need to even thought I feel like I am always busy.
Have a great week.
And so what are your goals for the week?


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