2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, July 6, 2015

300 a Month, Week Goals, Menu

Well the week didn't start off that great had a freezer go out, so we had to get a new one. We did get a little larger one which will be nice and it was an energy star, so as soon as I take in the paper work we will get a ninety dollar credit on our electric bill.
Andy took the whole week off so he could finish getting all the hay done and leave a few days early to the river. We go down every 4th with several other people to play music. He left Wednesday and I was going to go down Saturday. I took Friday off in hopes of getting caught up on some things. Then I decided to stay home all weekend to get some things caught up. Well as bad as I hate to admit it I got nothing done, I just hung out and chilled with the girls most of the weekend so now I am even more behind haha.
I did get 7 quarts of spaghetti sauce canned.

Here is my spending for the week.
I spent 38.95 at city market on milk, cheese, cottage cheese, marshmallows, grapes, junket tabs, and powerade, The powerade was on sale for 39 cents if you bought 10 so I got 10 so I would have them for the bottles to put my homemade gator aid in. City market is the only place that sells the junket tabs for making cheese ( putting into food storage hoping some day I can start making my own cheese) They had marshmallows on sale so I got 4 bags to dehydrate.

So for the month I have spent 38.95 and have 269.045 left for the month. and 2906.61 left for the year.

Well I pretty much got none of the goals for last week done.I did get another unit completed in my herbal class.
 So the goals for this week will pretty much be the same.

Get some more meat canned.
I have been redoing my drip system on my plants hoping to get finished or at least all most finished this week.
Get caught up on the blog.
I have a few ideas I want to do in back yard play area for the kids so hoping to get started on that.
I have been working on a household notebook so want to work some more on that.
Hopefully I can get more done this week then last week haha. 

Menu for this week

Scrambled eggs
Yogurt and fruit

Grilled Cheese
Chicken soup
Macaroni and cheese
PB & J

Will have what ever kind of fruit I have, and crackers with the soup.
For Andy's lunch he will have leftovers from the night before.

Cowboy casserole
Home made pizza
Crock pot Chicken fried steak
Beef tips
Stuffed peppers
Mexican steak

Will have a veggie of some sort and bread with each meal.
or Sunday we will have leftovers.

Hope everyone has a great week.


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