2016 Food Storage Challenge

Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 Food Storage Challenge

Happy New year to everyone.

A friend asked me a little while back what to do about food storage since she was just starting and money is a little tight, so I told her I would try to find a doable plan for her. I think I found something that would work I kind of based it on my old plan but have tried to add ideas to make it a little more budget friendly.

I really think everyone needs to have some storage put back because to be honest, I am amazed that they have held the economy together for so long. You can READ HERE and HERE to see some of the warning signs that things can't continue the way they are.

I know money is tight for everyone so I am trying to make this doable. I will also once a week post money saving ideas, and do it yourself things to help be able to have a little extra for your food storage.

Once a week I will post items that you need to try and get. This will be for two people, If you have more just double the amounts as needed. There will be two items, the first is what you need to get and the second if you have a little extra money, would make things a little more comfortable. I will also show how to make a lot of the second items from scratch so if money is tight you can still have these with a little extra work.

At the beginning of the month I will add two items, a action item and a purchase item. The action items will not cost anything they will just be things to do to get you and your family ready for hard times. The purchase item will be something a little larger that would be very helpful if you could get. I will give different options to try and fit into as many budgets as possible. 

I will post this every Saturday or Sunday of the year. I have it all figured out so this winter while it is slow I am going to get all the post written, then this summer when things get busy they will already be ready so there will be no interruptions in the post. I am also going to try and get all the items put up on the side board for the whole year, It won't have the cheaper alterative, but will give you a general idea of what is needed.   

The first month will be a jump start. Stuff to help you get by if it all goes south before you have much put back, then in February we will start the basic list.

Please let me know if you have any questions or ideas, I am always looking for more ideas.


  1. Thank you. A beginning is always good. I can't wait to read all of your suggestions. I've been trying to do a lot more things as well. Happy New Year.

    1. Joani,
      Thanks, I am really looking forward to getting this all out.
      Have a great day,

  2. Ready to get started. Thank You Brenda

    1. Brenda, Thanks, I am hoping I will have some useful information for everyone.
      Have a great day


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