2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

300 Month challenge, Menu, Goals

Another busy weekend, we had to move some of the cows from down the road and bring them home. It has been super cold here, it has been getting 5 to 6 below at night and not warming up over 32 degrees during the day. Then with the snow getting so deep that they can't find anything to eat under the snow.  We have been having to haul hay every evening to feed them, so we decided to bring them home to make it a little easier to feed.

The cows are waiting patiently for the others to come over the hill. 

Andy put a couple bales of hay in the back of the pickup and the cows just followed and I brought up the rear.

We weren't able to get a good count on them , Andy was going to do a count the next night when we fed. But of course as always we have to have a couple that don't like to cooperate. Monday late afternoon we got a call from the neighbors and a couple of cows were still down there. Andy put more hay in the back and I was going to follow, the cows had other ideas though. After a lot of chasing ( a little yelling and maybe a few bad words) and a little help from a friend that was coming down the road we finally got them home.
Saturday evening we had a few people over to play music, not a very large turnout with the weather the way it is. It was a lot of fun though, I got another mandolin lesson and my brother is learning the guitar so he came over for a while to get a lesson
I never got to town this weekend so the only thing I spent was the 20 dollars for milk. When I went to pick up the milk, the lady I buy from was in the barn and she gave me a quart of cream. I will make a little more butter with it, and some whip cream for the apple dumplings I made the other day. I haven't made sour cream yet but found a pretty simple way to make it so will be experimenting with it.
 So I spent 20 dollars, the leaves 280 for the month. And that leaves 3580.00 for the year.
Menu  for the week
Cream of Wheat
French Toast
Cheese Omelets
To these I will add toast or fruit.  
Fish Sticks & Tator Tots
Grilled Cheese
Mac & Cheese
Potato soup
To these I will add  fruit, crackers, or something as a side dish.
C.P. Sausage and Potato
Smothered Burritos
Meatballs / gravy & Noodles
H.M. Taquitios
To these I will add a vegetable or appropriate side .
Cheese crackers
Apple Slices
Fruit Snacks
Andy's Snacks for work
Apple Pie
Cheese Cake
Goals for the week
Well I got not one thing done I had planned to do last week. Joleen has been working in the E.R and on the ambulance as part of her A-EMT class so she hasn't been her much to help me.
I did get the house deep cleaned for when we played music. And got quick books set up for 2016 for the day care, I had to totally start over since I didn't keep up with it last year.
So I will add all the things that didn't get done last week to this weeks list.
I have green chili in the freezer that I didn't have time to get canned last fall so I want to get it canned this week.
Start on tax stuff so we are not to the last minute again this year like we were last year.
Lemons and oranges in the dehydrator.
Start on Katie's robe, she got some fabric and wants me to make her a robe out of it.
I got a sock maker and want to start trying to use it.
Start canning lemon juice.
Clean out the chicken coop.
Maybe I will have a little better luck this week in getting it all done.

Hope you have a great week. 



  1. I envy you I have a two week menu and can't stay on track with it. Sounds like a busy week. Is your sock maker easy and how do I find one?

    1. Michelle,
      I love having a months menu made ahead it really helps in meal planning, but I will admit there are days that I don't follow it, like when I get busy and forget to thaw meat or don't have time to get it all put together. I haven't had a chance to really try the sock maker it looks like it will be fairly easy, as soon as I get it figured out I will do a post on it.
      Have a great day,


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