2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

300 a Month Challenge, Menu, & Goals

( out one of my back windows, a lot of the snow has already melted) 
Well I didn't do as good as I did last week, had to go to town and that always means I spend money. I did find some Christmas lights at Wal-Mart on clearance for 75% off, I got several boxes to use next year since I used all my old ones on the back yard, I also need a few more for the yard this summer. I had to buy eggs, with all this cold and snow my chickens are not laying at all. Got bath tissue and Corn & flour tortillas ( I am making burritos, breakfast burritos and taquitas for the freezer and store bought tortillas are much easier to work with.)
Lights Several boxes 26.62
Bath Tissue                         9.23
Eggs 5 Dozen pack     9.34
Corn Tortillas              3.38
Flour Tortillas               6.98
Milk  2 Gallons          20.00
For the month I have spent 75.55 this week and 20.00 last week for a total of 95.55 for the month. That leaves me with 204.49 for the  month and 3484.45 for the year.
Menu for the week,
Scrambled eggs
Yogurt and fruit
To these I will add toast or fruit. 
Chicken Potato Soup
French Toast
Beef Noodle soup
H.M. Hot Pockets
To these I will add  fruit, crackers, or something as a side dish.
Chicken Fried Steak /baked potato
Fried Potatoes with Polish Sausage
Swiss Steak
Chili and Macaroni
To these I will add a vegetable or appropriate side 
Graham Crackers ( if I get them made).
Fruit snacks
Andy's Snacks
Chocolate cake
Peach Cobbler
Joleen's snack
Chocolate chip cookies ( Joleen wrote this, I'm thinking she might want some cookies haha)
Goals for the week
I got the Lemons almost all done, Lemon syrup, preserved lemons with salt, and with sugar, lemon oil, lemon extract, lemon vinegar, and dehydrated lemons.
Butter made up, whipped topping made, yogurt and cream cheese.
Part of the shed organized, It has been so cold we just run out and put up, or grab what we need so it was getting a little cluttered.
I did get started on tax stuff and worked a little with my sock maker. I was doing it all wrong so had to go to their website and figure out what I was doing ( thank goodness for the internet haha).
 That was about all the extra I got done. I decided to wait on the green chili, it is frozen so it can wait a little longer.
This week I want to get the oranges and grapefruit put up. I need to get started on the onions and the potatoes before they start going bad. I am going to have to wait a little longer on the chicken coop, my wheel barrel is buried under the snow, its not to bad so it won't hurt it to wait a little longer.
I really need to get my sewing machine out and get started on a bunch of stuff, Katie's robe, pants mended, a couple quilts I need to finish, some storage bags, a baby blanket, just to name a few of the things I need to get done.
I got a serger for Christmas I have started the video on it, need to finish watching it so I know what I am doing.
Hopefully I can get a little of this done this next week.
How are you doing on your spending this month I would love to hear from you.
Have a great week.


  1. Your budget looks great and nice homey comfort food meals. I have to say though, that your milk is expensive! It is about $4/gallon here for regular, and $6-8/gallon for organic. I am new to your blog and will be checking it out, as I love canning and I just need to find a good way to organize all the food I put up.

    1. Rose,
      Welcome and thank you for following. My milk is a little expensive but I love it. It is all organic and comes from grass fed cows, and not very far from my house to go get it. It does have a lot of cream on it so I figure I am saving money even though it is a little expensive since I am now making all my dairy products except for hard cheese.
      It is always a challenge to find places to organize all your food that you put up, I stuff stashed everywhere even in the master bath haha.
      Have a great day


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