2016 Food Storage Challenge

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Lake Powell

It is snowing like crazy here. Just adding to all the snow we already have. So I thought I would talk about warmer nicer weather, and share some pictures of our trip to Lake Powell this past summer.

My brother has a house boat there and invited us for a long week-end. I have to admit I sort of drug my feet about going, I am terrified of water. (Nearly drowned when I was younger.) They finally talked me into going, and I have to admit I'm so glad they did I had so much fun.

You can see just how low the water is, Andy said it was up quite a bit from when he and Travis were there a few months before. Hopefully with all the snow we are getting it will come up a bunch this spring.

Just cruising out in the middle.

 Yes we are going to go in there.
We went through there and it opened up to a lot more, you can see the little alcove.

We went and hung out and played in the alcove for a while. This is looking out from under the alcove. It was huge inside there were about 6 other boats in there with us and still a ton of room. Kind of funny to think that when the water level is where it is suppose to be all this is under water.

Joleen,Andy and my Brother playing in the water.

After that we went and rode around for a little more, till we came to this narrow gap we stopped and Joleen, Travis and my Brother decided to swim into it. 
 They got back there pretty far, then started jumping in off the ledge.

After ridding a little longer we went to the marina and got some ice cream. These fish hang out and wait for someone to feed them. Pretty funny to watch them swarm when someone throws something in for them to eat.

Joleen trying to learn how to ski, She got pretty good after a while.
Here are some ducks just chillin in the water, They would dive down and be gone forever then all the sudden pop back up.
It was a super fun trip. They even got me in the water with a life jacket. Have to admit once I got comfortable I was in the water a lot (even when I couldn't touch the bottom) Althogh I did stay by the house boat. When we were out in the boat I wouldn't get out, maybe next time.


  1. Thanks for sharing. It's been raining here for the past week & I have cabin fever. Those are probably carp fish. They used to be at Lake Mead and did the same thing. I am not a fan of water either and just a soon keep my two feet on this good old earth!

    1. Joani,
      We have had so much snow we have at least 2 feet and that's not counting what has melted. I am hoping it will be a little while before we get another storm. Those were carp it was fun to just watch them, there were so amny and anytime someone dropped food it they went crazy lol.
      Hope you are having a great day,

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  3. What a fun time. My husband and oldest son love the lake, beach, pool, but me I just enjoy watching them have fun. Really enjoy your blog. Great info. Have a blessed day!

    1. Joi,
      Thanks. Ya I would rather sit on the side and watch maybe read a book or something lol.
      Have a great day,


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