2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What books do you consider important?

The other day I recommened a book to K at planningandforesight it was The Survival Medicine Handbook. Well he asked his readers what books they thought were important for when things go south. That got me to thinking about what books I think are important to have, so I thought I would put together a list of the books I think are important and share them.
I have a ton of books but here is a list of some of the books that I have that I think are important in no special order.
  1. Bible
  2. A good canning book ( Ball book of canning).I have a Kerr canning book, Don't know if you can find that anymore, I also have a couple other books that have a lot of canning info in them.
  3. The survival Medicine Handbook ( Joseph Alton, M.D. Amy Alton, A.R.N.P aka Dr. Bones ans Nurse Amy). This book is wonderful it has all kinds of information in it from antibiotics to major illness, It covers so many areas that you may encounter in a collapse situation. 
  4. Beyond Collapse ( T.Joseph Miller Jr.). This book has a lot of information as to what to do before and after a collapse.
  5. Food Drying ( Phyllis Hobson)I love this book I have had it for some time,It is an older book and seem to cover every thing even meat and dairy. It also tells how to build a dehydrator. If you don't have a dehydrator it gives instructions for oven and sun drying.
  6. Stocking up ( by the staff of Organic Gardening and Farming 1973). This is another older book that I just love. It covers everything. Canning, drying, freezing, harvesting, smoking, underground storage. There is so much information in this book. 
  7. Passport to Survival ( Esther Dickey). This book comes from the LDS book store and is another old book. It has a lot of food storage recipes using wheat, salt, honey and powdered milk. There are recipes using a few other things but most use these four ingredients. I mean seriously who know you could make Ice cream and pudding with these four things.
  8. The Soapmaker's Companion (Susan Miller Cavitch). This is my go to book when making soap it has a ton of information on soap making.
  9. A Complete Course In Dressmaking (Isabel DeNyse Conover).This one I downloaded off the internet it is copyrighted 1921it has a lot of basic information on sewing. I have several books on sewing, but if you are just starting out a book with the basics is what you want.
  10. We have Joleen's Advanced EMT book and Andy's 1st responders books in addition to a first aid book. We are very fortunate  that Andy has some basic medical training and Joleen will have a lot more when she has completed her Advanced EMT training.
  11.  We have a book on tanning hides. I am not sure of the name it is on a bookshelf behind a book self ( I know, don't judge Space is very limited in my house).Andy has been wanting to learn to do this but hasn't had the time to do it yet.
  12. The complete Encyclopedia of stitchery (by Mildred Graves Ryan.) Another old book this covers all the different types of stitchery from crochet to sewing and every thing in between.
  13. The Clinical textbook for Veterinary Technicians Joleen was given this book when she was thinking about becoming a Vet. It has a lot of small to large animal information.
  14. Andy has a book on reloading not sure which one ( it's on his reloading table and I don't mess with it haha)
  15. Beginners guide to bee keeping. We got some bees a couple years ago and still trying to get them all figured out.
  16. I have a some binders that I put all the stuff I get off the internet. Things that I don't have in any of my books that I think will be helpful.
  17. A whole set of books on Home repairs and building. This will help in doing our own home repairs. Andy knows most of what to do but this will be handy if there it something that he doesn't know or if some one else needs to know.
  18. I am taking an herb class on line so I have all the information from that in addition to several herbal remedy books. I think herbs are going to be very important if there is no other help around.
  19. A whole set of encyclopedia's , The girls and Andy all thought I had lost my mind when I came home with them (where on earth do you plan to put all of them). But like I told them you may not always have access to the internet.  
  20. Farm Journal's Country Cookbook 1959 This is my go to cook book it is old and has a lot of old recipes. How to render lard make butter, cottage cheese, sour dough starter, It even has a recipe for Raccoon,rabbit and squirrel  ( please don't let me be so hungry I want to eat squirrel or raccoon, I know some people like them I just don't really want to do that haha). It has so many old, from scratch recipes.
 Now for some of the books I need to get.
  1. I used to have a real good book on plants and seeds it had everything from seeds to garden, berry bushes, and trees. I think I accidently donated it to the library so I need to replace it.
  2. I would like to have a book on spinning and weaving. I got a drop spindle with a free lesson for Christmas (have wanted to learn how to spin forever now) and I have a small Navajo rug loom that my Dad made for me many years ago (It is in storage and I need to get it out and learn how to weave on it) push come to shove we could make a larger one to use. 
  3. I would like to get some school books for the different ages. If I have to help homeschool my grandkids or any other kids I would like to have something to use.
I am sure I am forgetting something to add to this list.

I really think books of all kinds are important even pleasure reading. When I go to second hand store or garage sales I am always looking for books for all age groups. I have several boxes of books stored away. If we don't have internet or television books are a great thing to have around. I even buy books that I am not that interested in just because I don't care for it don't mean some one else won't. 

So what books do think are important to have a round and what books would you like to get.






  1. I need to check my books and see what I have. I do have a recipe for field mouse pie, if you think you might want to try it. lOl!!!

    1. Sue,
      Oh my, I really appreciate the offer for the recipe but I think I will pass. lol Although maybe I should get it from you and put in Joleen and Katie's recipe books that I made for them I'm sure they would love it haha
      Thanks for the laugh

  2. I meant to chime in earlier, but your list is great. I might add a book on saving seeds, an astronomy book with a star wheel, medical dictionary, prescription pill book, Aesops fables, and a few classics.

    1. I forgot to mention that I've been collecting plant identification books for our area as well.

    2. K,
      Thanks,The star book is a great idea, I hadn't thought of that. I have a medical dictionary and the book I am wanting to replace has seed saving info in it. I don't have a prescription pill book but that would be a good idea.I have several classics and older books also ( need more )I do have a few books on the area plants I have been trying to learn all the plants in our area for edible and medicinal uses.
      Have a great day

  3. The Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery comes to mind.

  4. How could I forge the Fire Fox series!

    1. K,
      Funny you should mention the Fire Fox series I just discovered it yesterday. It looks like they have a lot of info in them. I wish they weren't all so expensive I think they would be great to have.
      Have a great day

  5. Hi, I hate to be a doom and gloomer( I added a flower to my tinfoil hat) maybe some history books might be a good idea. I'm afraid people are trying to erase our history, schools aren't teaching the history we learned as kids. I'm going to reorganize and put all my important books in one location. Well just my two cents worth...Have a great day..got to go I'm getting radio signals through my hat.. Vicki

    1. Victoria,
      Not a doom and gloomer, you can see where things are headed. History books are a very good idea, You can see they are already trying to rewrite history. The older the history book the better and the better chance of having the truth in it.
      Have a great day


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