2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

300 a Month April

Another busy month, Not sure where all the time goes.
The first of the month we got my Mother in Law moved into the house in town. Andy had to make a wheel chair ramp for it, then went out to her place and brought back her chair and several other things that she wanted.

One of Joleen's friends is going to be staying with us for a while so we brought up a camper that I had bought a few years ago. They got it cleaned out and doable for her to stay in, there is no water so she will have to come inside to shower and eat but it gives her her own space.

We branded one weekend, the weather was horrible windy, and a little chilly. We were only going to do half but decided to just get them all done. We do have one cow that hasn't calved, so we will have to brand it and a couple that Andy bought at the sale barn as soon as it is born. The day after we branded we moved 3 loads to different pasture.

Katie had prom this month. It is so sad to think that this was the last prom, since Katie will be graduating this year, kind of sad to think I will not have kids in school anymore. They had grand march outside it was pretty chilly and had been raining earlier, I felt so sorry for all the girls you could tell they were freezing. They all had fun though.

We spent one weekend working on taxes finally got them all done, we said last year we weren't going to wait until the last minute this year, oh well maybe next year we can get them done sooner haha.

Andy and I went to Farmington for the weekend just to get away, it was nice to just kick back a little, We ate at Texas Roadhouse so so good.  We were going to go to Aztec ruins Andy has never been but it was pouring down rain so maybe another day. On the way back home we decided to go through Durango, we got rained on all the way to Durango then it turned to snow until we got about twenty miles from home then nothing. We were really hoping to get a little rain out of this storm.

My spending for the month wasn't to bad, but not great, but I did get some things on sale.

 Milk which was 20 dollars a week so 100 dollars for that.
City Market had cheese and canned broth on sale so I got some of each I spent 46.99 on that.
Then the miscellaneous stuff eggs, frozen raviolis, #10 size cans of tomato sauce(for spaghetti sauce) 40.07
2 Bountiful baskets 33.00


Total 220.06  I had 3002.10 left for the year so minus the 220.06 I have 2782.04 left for the year.

I did get 7 quarts of spaghetti sauce canned hoping to get some more done soon.

Have a great week and hopefully starting next week I will have the menus and goals going again.

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