2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, July 25, 2016

Orange, Pineapple, Mango Jam aka Sunshine in a jar.

I seriously love this stuff, it is one of the jams that I could just eat out of the jar, and may have on occasion haha.

I got several oranges in my bountiful baskets and decided to make up some of this and some Orange chili jam ( I will post that recipe in a couple days).
Start with about 4 pounds of oranges, cut the ends and then half then quarter slice out the pit and seeds then cut the quarter in half then slice into 3 pieces,

Put in pan  add 4 cups water 1 can crushed pineapple ( 1 jar if you have your own canned) 1 can of mangos or about 3 fresh chopped mangos.

cook for about for about 1 hour .

 Add 6 cups of water and 9 cups sugar

Cook down for about another hour then use a hand blender and puree.

 Add 2 packs of sure jell bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Add to sterilized pint jars, water bath for 10 minutes.

Orange, Pineapple, Mango Jam 
 4 Pounds Oranges
1 Can crushed pinapple
1 can chopped mangos or 3 fresh chopped
4 cups water
9 cups sugar
6 cups water
2 packs Sure Jell
Cut the ends, then half, then quarter, slice out the pit and seeds of oranges then cut the quarters in half and slice into 3 pieces,
Put oranges in pan add 4 cups water,crushed pineapple, and mangos. Cook down for about an hour . Add 9 cups water and sugar cook down for about another hour. Then use a hand blender and puree. Add 2 packs of sure jell bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add to sterilized pint jars, water bath for 10 minutes.



  1. This looks so good-thanks for sharing recipe!

  2. I know I would love this too! Thanks so much for sharing your recipe with us! Pinned!

  3. YUM, this sounds so good :) Thanks for sharing. Adding this to my list!!

  4. Hi, this looks yummy, but I'm not understanding why under the picture it says "6 cups water and 9 cups of sugar", but in the list of ingredients it says the opposite? Am I missing something?

    1. Suzie,
      No your not missing something I am haha.
      Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I got it changed.
      Have a great day,

  5. This sounds delicious! I was happy to see you linked up at the Art of Home-Making Mondays today :) Have a wonderful week Connie!


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