2016 Food Storage Challenge

Friday, July 29, 2016

This week in daycare,Camping

The theme this week was camping. I got off to slow start so we didn't get to do the letter of the week this week we will focus on it a little more next week.

First off we made some Camp Fires. The kids loved making these, and they were so easy.

I set the tent up in the living room for them to play in. They just love playing in the tent.

We roasted marshmallows over our "campfires" they were so funny, they would pretend it was hot and say oh that's hot and blow off the marshmallows.

I had wanted to do a picnic outside but it was so stinking hot, I figured the living room floor would be just as good.  So I laid out a big blanket and we had a indoor picnic. Plus as a special treat we put a movie on to watch while we ate.

Had two sensory boxes this week the sand which they loved, not to sure that hasn't be the most favorite one yet.

Then we had a water table outside, I was going to make some moon sand for it but didn't get it done so I put aquarium gravel in the bottom and gave them cups and funnels. They did so good I really thought they would get all wet but they stayed dry.

Here are a couple of the books that we read this week.

Next week is going to be castles, princesses and princes, the letter W, and if we have time the color blue.

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