2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

300 a Month, Menu, Weeks goals

The pretty tulips I got for valentines. I love that I will be able to plant these in the yard. Already have a spot picked out for them.

Hope everyone had a great week end. Ours was good, not quite as busy as last weekend but busy. Saturday morning Andy and Joleen had to go help tear down the old fire station (we got a new station built right next to the old one.).  The Cattleman's Association had they annual meeting and banquet Saturday so Andy had to leave early to go to the afternoon meetings. I meet him in town and went to the lunch that they put on. Then he stayed and I came back home to get a few things done before having to get ready for the banquet. We hadn't planned on staying very long at the dance afterwards, but we ended up staying till the very end. I was so nice to see and visit people I haven't seen in a while. I have to admit that is one of the bad things about working from home is you don't get to see and visit many people.

Anyway another good week of not spending anything. So I am still at 60.27 for the month with 239.79 left for the month and 3414.64 left for the year.

I have done something different in my menu planning. I usually fill out a monthly menu at the first of every month but it is a little time consuming. So I decided to just write down all the meals I usually cook and put them in a good order(not to Mexican foods together ect.) now I will just start at the top and rotate down.  I did this with dinners, lunches,  breakfast and snacks so we will see how this works out.

This weeks menu,

Cream of Wheat
French Toast
Cheese omelets

Mac & Cheese
Mini pizzas
Grilled Cheese
Chicken soup

Will have what ever kind of fruit I have and crackers with the soup.
For Andy's lunch he will have leftovers from the night before.

Salisbury Steak
Baked Raviolis
Rotel Hamburger Helper
Crock Pot Chicken Fried Steak
don't have to cook Friday and Saturday nights.
Friday night is the community chili supper to raise money for the community center.
Saturday night is the fireman's awards and banquet.

Will have a veggie of some sort and bread with each meal.
Saturday or Sunday we will have leftovers.

Well last week I finally got all the oranges, grapefruit's, and tangerines done up. As well as the radishes and cauliflower. Got the daycare lessons done and some of the stuff out for Joleens book.

The goals for this week are.
Work on potatoes, I keep putting this off and I have got to get them done and finished before they start going bad.
Work on Joleens book I think this is going to be a bigger job then I anticipated but it will be so cool when done.
Need to get some sewing done. That is all I am going to try and get done this week since they are all big projects.

What are your goals for the week? Hope you have a great one.

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