2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, December 30, 2013

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas ours was great Santa was good to everyone the girls got laptops so now they can do their home work on them instead of fighting over my computer. Andy has also been wanting a laptop to put all the farm stuff on and not have to wade through all my stuff on the desk top so Santa also brought him one (now he just needs to learn how to use it lol). I got a tablet, have been wanting one for a while to put books on and be able to work on things when away from the house. Everyone got a couple more small things so it was all good.

We went to my dads for Christmas eve and had dinner several of my brothers were there (When you have a family this large ot is hard to get everyone together). Then Christmas Morning we opened gifts with the girls then about 11:00 Kayla and Travis came over and we opened gifts with them. A little later in the afternoon we went to Andy’s moms and had Christmas out there. After dinner we played cards till late then came home. Andy had to work the next day. I have to admit I took the day off and didn’t do much since I had been so busy the two weeks before that I was just wore out. We got a little done this week-end. Travis just bought a house so we went to see it. Got a load of wood. Got a few things done around the house. Finally got the hams and bacons to smoking.

I am working on a few new things for the blog this year. I am going to be doing  more with herbs, I will continue the Food Storage Challenge but am going to change up a few things.

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Years I will resume posting on Monday the 6th with some brand new things.



  1. Happy New Year. I am planning to grow a big herb garden this year. So I can't want to see what you are planning to do with herbs.


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