2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, December 16, 2013

This Weeks Goals and Menu

Didn't get as much done this last week as I had hoped everyone has been under the weather. I have had a chest cold haven't felt real bad but not real good either. Both the girls have had a stomach bug. Friday night Katie started throwing up and did all night long and the next day. So of course Joleen had to get it to so by Saturday night she also had it. They both stayed in bed Sunday. Then Sunday Andy wasn't feeling so hot but he did get some pipe picked up  and a little work done at the shop.

We went and cut a tree Saturday and got Andy's mom one. We helped her get it put up. My sister in law had a ugly sweater party Saturday night we were going to go to but since the girls were sick we just stayed home and watched a movie.

We did get the sausage ground and patties made and froze. Also got the deer meat ground and  sausage made out of it. I still need to get it in the freezer.

I got some lard rendered down.

Was able to get all the fall decorations in the house taken down.

I did get a little shopping done I am making most all of our family gifts but I did need to get a few things for them.

This next week is going to be crazy I have so much to get done. I have to make several batches of soap and bath salts.

Need to make a couple batches of play dough and make some play dough mats.

Get my tree up and the house decorated for Christmas.

Christmas cards out I don't send out a lot but there are a few people That I like to send to.

I have a lot of baking to do but I think I will wait and start that next weekend.

Get gifts wrapped.

And if I have some time I need to work on onions and potatoes.

This weeks menu is

               Breakfast                   Lunch                       Dinner

Mon.      French                        Chicken                    Baked
               Toast                          Noddles                   Spaghetti

Tue.       Waffles                       Mac.&                      Mexican
                                                 Tomato's                     Steak

Wed.       Cereal                         Ramon                       Cheese
                                                  Noddles                 Burger Pie

Thur.      scramble                  quesadillas                  Sausage
                 eggs                                                         Casserole

Fri.          Cream of                   PB &J                     Homemade
                 Wheat                                                          Pizza

Sat.                                                                              Baked

Sun                                                                              Stew

The sides for the lunches, breakfast and dinners are what ever I feel will go good with them.The week end breakfast and lunch are whatever we find or want.

Andy's snacks this week are zucchini bread and  Cheesecake.

Hope evveryone has a great week.

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