2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, September 15, 2014

300 Dollars A Month Challenge, Goals, and Menu

I have to admit this is a little harder then I though it was going to be. I have always tried watch how much I spend, but never really realized just how much extra I spend with out even thinking about it. Although part of it is I do spend extra on sales so I don't have to pay full price later on. So how did I do this week?

I spent 87.72 at City Market  They had Sure Jell [Store Brand] for 1.39 so I bought 20, They also had cereal on sale for 1.49 if you bought 10. I use these for snacks for the kids sometimes. They also had cheese on sale 3 16 oz. packs for 10.00 so I got 6 will put these in the freezer.
At Wal-Mart I spent 45.48 I needed a couple new pitchers. 2 coffees and I bought a couple boxes of Fruit and Grain bars for the girls to eat in the mornings And some frozen Burritos for after school [I know bad bad] I just haven' t had time to get some stuff made hopefully this week.
Bountiful Baskets I spent 58.00 on 3 baskets and a jar of Apple Cider Vinegar.
As you can see I got a lot out of my baskets this time.
Tomatoes, Bell pepper, broccoli, plums, lemons, corn, onions , chilies, lettuce, banana's, Japanese plums, and apples,
I also got a bottle of Vodka for 11.89 to use in tinctures.
2 more boxes of Green Chili for 40.00

So That is what I spent this week
87.20 City Market
45.48 Wal-Mart
58.00 Bountiful Baskets
11.89 Vodka
40.00 for Green Chilis
For a total of 242.57 for the week.
so with last weeks total of 99 dollars that puts me at 341.57 for the month so I have 858.43 left for the year. Already over my limit for the month As I said this is a lot harder then I thought it would be. Going to have to make a few more changes in the way I do things I guess.

This is what I picked from the garden this week. In a couple weeks I think I am going to have a bunch so I need to be very caught up on things.

21 pounds of bell peppers
50 pounds of tomatoes
13 pounds cucumbers
Was able to get a couple bags of dill and a small mess of green beans from some friend.
This weeks menu
Macaroni and tomatoes
French Toast
Chicken Soup
Grilled Cheese
Tuna Sandwich's
Will have Fruit, veggies or what ever I have on hand.
Crock Pot Chicken Fried Steaks
Beef Noodles
Smothered Burritos
Cheese Burger Pie
Swiss Steak.
As with lunch sides for dinner will be what ever I have and want to fix.
For breakfast I have homemade pancakes, French toast, and waffles in the freezer. Also have oatmeal, cream of wheat and eggs to choose from.

My canning total this week
14 qts Rotel
18 pints Plum Raspberry Jam
40 pounds of Green Chilies roasted and in the freezer.
4 pints pickled radishes
5 quarts pickled cauliflower
3 gallons bell peppers in the freezer [ I put these in 1 cup bags]

I made 3 gallons of powdered laundry soap, and a couple gallons of washing soda.
Hopefully this will last a while.

This Weeks goals

I got all the tomatoes, peppers, plums, green chilies, radishes, and cauliflower all put up. 
I haven't got to the zucchini yet is at the top of my list for this week.
It rained a little on the one day this week I could of worked in the yard so that and the herbs are still on the list.
I still haven't got the camper cleaned out have got to get that done.
The mending has also been put off I will try to work on it this week but very doubtful it will get done.
With  all the tomato's I will make  salsa, the peppers into the freezer, pickles made from the cucumbers, all my zucchini mad into jam, pie filling and shredded for breads, the plums into jam, the broccoli and lettuce [what we don't eat]  dried for green powder, corn in the freezer, apples into a pie, lemons juiced and canned then the peels dried.
I need to get the yard done before I can put out fall stuff so hopefully this week.

I have also got to start on Joleens homecoming dress. I have told the girls that if I make their dresses I will buy all the fabric and stuff to make them but if they want a store bought they have to buy then themselves. So Katie wants to buy one and I will make Joleens
Well another busy week planned maybe I can get the biggest portion done.

Have a Great Week.



  1. My monthly food budget is 200 dollars and that includes my preps. I had 2 months this summer that I never even went shopping. I go once a month when i go. I always have a list going and never HAVE to go get something. Good luck! The is just 2 of us.

    1. Kim,
      That's really good. I do have two teenage daughters so that doesn't help lol. I am trying to get where I only have to go every two weeks when I get my Bountiful Baskets. I do think I spend more this time of year when there are some good sales and I am canning everything I can find. I will get there may take a while lol.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry about the deleted comment there was a error!

    Connie, I think it's great that you are challenging yourself to a $300 monthly goal. Before we purchased our homestead we also had a goal of $300 (or less if we could) for our family of 5. One thing that I did to help stretch our budget was to email and write each individual company of the products that we use and tell them how much I liked each product. In return I received TONS of coupons and for a few months I didn't have to spend any money because I used the coupons on top of any sales the stores had which made the food free. That was a huge blessing for us! :-) You may want to give that a try to help out as well and please be sure to let me know how it goes if you do it.


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