2016 Food Storage Challenge

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Navajo Fry Bread and Navajo Tacos

We love Fry Bread although I don't make it as often as my family would like. Mine is ok not as good as my Step Moms or my sister's but passable and I use a mixer and a roller instead of by hand and then patting it out by hand, never could get the hang of it. [ My Step Mom says my hands are the wrong color haha]. Any how here is how I make it.
Navajo Fry Bread 
4 cups flour
2 Tbs. baking powder
1 1/2 tea. salt
3/4 cup powder milk
1 1/2 Tbs. shortening
2 to 21/2 cups very warm water
You can mix this by hand or in the mixer.
First add all you dry ingredients.

Mix together
Then add your shortening [you can use lard if you want] and mix.
After the shortening is mixed in slowly add your water it needs to be very warm not so hot it burns your hands but almost hot.

Mix or knead until  a soft dough is formed then knead or mix for a few more minutes.

Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and form into a flat ball.

Grease your bowl and put the dough back in.

Cover with a warm damp towel and place in a warn place to rest for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Pinch off medium apple sized balls.
Pat out with hand or use a rolling pin to about 1/8 to 1/16 of an inch you don't want it to thin or it will be crunchy. 

Put about 1/2 inch of shortening in you pan and heat to almost  smoking [needs to be very hot]. cook until golden brown then turn. 

and cook until golden brown on the other side.

 Let sit a few minutes before serving so they can soften a little.

For Navajo Tacos put a piece of bread on a plate and cover with Chile then top with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and cheese. Yummy Yummy.
Sometime when I fix mine or smaller kids I will tear the bread before I cover with chili, then you don't have to try and cut it when all put together.   


  1. those look great, so good.. will give it a try, I fry up regular bread dough the same way, we call them dough dogs in our family..

    1. Farmgal,
      My Grandma use to fry up bread dough also, she just couldn't get her fry bread to cook up right so she just used bread dough of course she made bread every week.
      Have a great day,

  2. These look amazing! I'm always trying new breads and looking to spice up dinners with new stuff. Going to have to try ASAP.
    p.s. I found your post via the "Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party"
    p.p.s. Going to check out your Pinterest right now!

    1. Jennifer,
      Thanks for stopping by. These are soo good. I stopped by your blog can't wait to check it out more.
      Have a great day

  3. Oh dear, this looks sinfully good!!! :) Thanks for sharing this recipe on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. I am always on the lookout for bean/vegetarian ideas!

    1. Jes,
      It is so good I think my family could eat it every day if I would fix it. They even it the next day warmed up with honey on it..
      Have a great day,

  4. Hmm... I have never had fry bread before! Love learning about new foods. :) Thanks for sharing at the Homestead Blog Hop!

  5. This looks incredible! I'm licking my lips right now. Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for taking the time to party with us. We hope to see you tonight at 7 pm. It wouldn't be a party without you! Lou Lou Girls

  6. This fun & delicious post is being featured on my blog today as part of "Tuesdays with a Twist" blog hop: http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/2015/02/time-to-link-up-tuesdays-with-twist_24.html
    Thank you so much!


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