2016 Food Storage Challenge

Thursday, October 30, 2014

300 Dollars a Month Challenge and Very Stressful Month

Been a very stressful month so far. Right after my last post we found out that the farm land we lease to farm and run cows sold and we have until November 6th to have everything off. So a  month to get all the equipment, fuel tanks, cows, a barn full of hay, 8 stacks of hay, panels, and a ton of other stuff off. We are busy trying to find a place to go with all the cows. We went and talked to the new owner he said we could have until the first of the year to get all the hay off and some of the cows but everything else needs to be off by the 6th. We sold all our calves, didn't keep any replacement heifers and are going to sell several older cows. 
We have figured out what to do until spring then not so sure after that. Hopefully we can find a new place. 
One of my gardens are over there, will have to take down all the panels and post on it.  
Been working on all that and trying to get the yard ready for winter, some stuff planted and a  couple of other things done to the yard. Plus all the canning to finish up as well as hunting.

Then to top all that off have been having problems with my computer can't open any documents, quick books, pictures or anything called my computer guy he came and looked at it I have a encryption virus you know the one where they want you to pay hundreds of dollars to unlock and then you are not guaranteed  that you will be able to get into it. We have lost 6 years of taxes, QuickBooks (mine, Andy's, and my dads) a ton of documents, pdf files and pictures. I did do some back up about a year ago and have been working on getting hard copies of everything but always seem to be to busy to work on that much ( lesson learned the hard way, always backup to flash drive and hard copies). So do not open any e-mails you are not 101% sure of what they are. The way I got the virus I opened an e-mal I was pretty sure I knew what was, needless to say not what I thought it was. 

We did get a cow elk hunting that was all we even seen though, still to hot for them to be out of the high high country. More on the hunting trip later.

Katie is in Kentucky for the National FFA convention I know she is safe but I am still worrying about her every day.

Now for the 300 month challenge

For Oct. I had already spent 15.85

This is what else I have spent.
City Market had pineapple on sale for 99 cents I got 32 to can, cans of broth for 50 cents I got 20 cans at 10.dollars, and 25 pounds of sugar for 11.00
Wal-Mart had 5 packs of Kool-Aid for 44 cents I got 20 for 8.80 and some bath tissue for 9.98. for a total of 71.78
 Helps when we spend all our time hunting can't go to town haha.

Total for October 87.63
Total for the year had 528.60 add 87.63 for 615.63

583.77 left for the year.

The Garden is pretty much done we did get another 50 pounds of tomatoes.

My Canning total since my last post
14 quarts apple pie filling
22 quarts Mexican steak
3 quarts elk stew meat
7 quarts salsa
28 quarts chipotle tomatoes
20 quarts jalapenos
10 gallons frozen bell peppers
16 pints peach zucchini jam
12 1/2 pints peach zucchini jam
28 pints strawberry zucchini jam
11 1/2 pints strawberry jam

This next week I will try to finish up apples, tomatillos  and tomatoes. Get the pineapple canned then maybe I will be caught up on canning for a few days.

What was you able to get canned this past week? Did you find any good deals on groceries?

Have a great week. 

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