2016 Food Storage Challenge

Friday, October 31, 2014

My Holiday Schedule

I want to have  as stress free holiday season this year so I have made myself  list to try and follow every week, so I am not rushing around the last minute like a crazy person ha ha . 
So here is the weekly schedule I came up with. Counting this week their are 9 weeks until Christmas (can you believe it?)  

Oct ( starting the last week in October)

Week 1
Get the rest of my fall decorations put up in the house. I
 have the outside done.
 Start my Christmas card list. This will take a little longer since
 most of my addresses were my computer that died.
 Gift list made
Week 1
Gift list finished,
Buy supplies for homemade gifts,
Start on making homemade gifts.
Week 2
Work on Homemade gifts
Start wrapping what I have.
Start buying the gifts we are buying.
Week 3
Plan Thanksgiving meal.
Clean house for holidays
Christmas letter written and start on Christmas cards.
Keep working on Homemade gifts.
Wrap what gifts I have.
Make cookie dough and freeze.
Week 4
Cook for Thanksgiving.
Cards ready to mail.
Work on Homemade gifts if time allows.
Wrap what gifts I have.
Week 1
Fall put away.
Christmas decorations out.
Mail Christmas cards.
Wrap what gifts I have.
Finish buying store bought gifts. 
Week 2
Finish putting up decorations.
Finish up Homemade gifts.
Buy stocking stuffers.
Bake cookies and breads
Week 3 
Clean house
Finish wrapping
Enjoy the Season.
Just hang out and enjoy.
Week 5
Take down Christmas decorations.
Clean house and get ready for a new year.
I am hoping I haven't forgotten anything.
I will also be doing holiday stuff with the day care kids,
Crafts, stories  and I will be doing the Elf on a shelf with them for
the first time have to admit I am a little excited about this.
So what are your plans for a stress free holiday season? 

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