2016 Food Storage Challenge

Thursday, November 6, 2014

300 A Month Challenge, Menu and Goals

Been busy getting all the stuff moved home from where we were farming, got the last load last night. Kind of sad to close that chapter of our lives. We were able to fine a couple of places to go with cows for a little bit, so hopefully it will give us some time to find something else so we don't have to sell off a bunch of cows.
I have an area north of the house, I was wanting to do some pallet and raised beds. I got a ground cover put down and ready for wood chips.
We have still been hunting, just not very much with having to get all the stuff moved.

I did get my Christmas list done and everything bought for the homemade gifts and a few of the bought gifts bought. I told Andy I was going to be all ready 2 weeks before Christmas he just laughed. So no matter what I have to be ready haha.

This weeks menu

Mac & tomato
grilled cheese
Chicken Noodles

What ever fruit I have and crackers with the soups.

Elk Steak, Cheese potatoes
Swiss Steak , Mash potatoes
Stew, crackers

What ever vegetable and bread we want to go with it.


Pancakes, French toast, cereal, Scrambled eggs, Oatmeal. 

My canning this weeks was a little short but here is what little I got done.
14 quarts of stewed tomatoes
22 pints apple pie jam
5 pints apple syrup

I didn't do to bad on my spending.
I bought a lot of Halloween candy on clearance sale, milk was on sale for 1.99 a gallon  I got 4 so I could can some of it. Toilet paper, Epsom salt, ginger root, jalapenos, and  horseradish for a total of 117.65

My November total so far is  117.65

Year total 615.63 plus 117.65 is 733.28

I have 466.12 left for the year.

I finally got all the fall decorations put up. I got Joleens cap and gown ordered for graduation ( can't believe she is graduating)  Also got her senior pictures done they are going to be so good.
This week I am hoping to get the November daycare lessons put together(I am way behind), Pineapple canned, and my fridge cleaned out. A friend of mines husband got a deer so I told her I would help her can the meat ( she has never canned anything or used a pressure cooker)

What are your goals for this week?



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