2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

300 a Month, Menu, Weeks goals

I really want to do something like this in my back yard. I think it would be doable. Instead of the long table I think a swing and some chairs. What do you think?
I have been working on my bedroom. Don't know why it seems to be the catch all room. It is small and I have two dressers, a large piano , a filing cabinet and a bench with a bunch of Andy's stuff on it plus a king size bed so it is pretty cramped in there already. But when nobody knows what to do with something they put it in my room. So most of the time it looks like a cluttered mess which drives me crazy. The new linin closet has helped immensely, I now have a place to go with all the extra blankets, sheets, and a whole bunch of other stuff that has been cluttering up my room.
I have been teaching my niece  to crochet. She has been wanting to learn so while they are here I am teaching her the basic stiches.  
Well I do save a whole lot more money when I don't go to town lol.
Had to go to town this week-end.
City Market had Peanut butter on sale for 1.49 so I got 20 jars, the had 2 pound cheese on sale for 7.99 I got 4   and 3 24 oz sour creams for 2.00 each for a total of 67.67.
Wal- mart I bought a battery charger, after our power outage I realized we need more batteries.  Rechargeable makes more sense then disposables.  The charger was 19.97, kind of expensive but I think in the long run I will save by not having to buy as many disposable batteries. I will buy batteries when ever I can afford a few. Katie has been wanting me to make a robe out of some silk fabric my Mother in Law gave me, so I finally bought a pattern for 7.96 ( kills me how much patterns cost).
I got two cans of green chili enchilada sauce, I don't do this very often, but mine sauce doesn't taste as good as this one. One package of toilet tissue. Wal-Marts total was 36.35   
City Market 67.67
Wal-Mart 36.35
Total         104.02
For March 104.02  with 195.98 left for the month.
left for the year 3310.62
It amazes me how fast the goes even when trying to be careful.
This weeks menu
Fruit and Yogurt
Cream of Wheat
French Toast
French Toast
Beef Noodles
Tuna Sandwich's
H.M. hot pockets
Fish Sticks
Will have what ever kind of fruit I have, and crackers with the soup.
For Andy's lunch he will have leftovers from the night before.
Smothered Burritos
Baked Spaghetti
Cheese Burger Casserole
Beef Noodles
Red Enchiladas
Fried Potatoes with Polish Sausage
Will have a veggie of some sort and bread with each meal.
Saturday or Sunday we will have leftovers.

I did get a little mending done this week I worked on taxes a tiny bit and nothing on Joleen's book. As I mentioned before I am doing the on line herb class (which I will talk about tomorrow) and that has been taking a lot of time.

The Goals for this week are pretty much the same as last week
Work on Taxes, Have to get to work on these, running out of time.
Work on potatoes, will be so glad when I get these all done.
Work on Joleens book.
I do want to start on Katie's robe.
 Have a great week.
And so what are your goals for the week?


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