2016 Food Storage Challenge

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Learning Herbalism with the Herbal Academy of New England.

 Learn Herbs As Food And As Medicine in the Online Herbal Course

I am so excited after looking for what seems like forever. I finally found a herbalism class that is affordable and fits my needs.
Herbal Academy of New England. I have been trying to learn as much as I can on my own and have always felt there was so much more to know. I have looked at herbalism classes on line but they were so pricey and just not within my budget. This class isn't way cheap but a lot more doable. It is 360 dollars and if you need to they let you make 3 payment of 120 a month. There is sooo  much information. When I am done I will be able to take care of my family the natural way. Plus I will be able to share some herbal remedies here and with others. I feel like it is going to be well worth the money.
The Intermediate Herbal Course is for people with some herbal training. Be it what you have learned on your own, or classes that you may have taken. If you have never worked with herbs they offer a Introductory Herbal Course I do have several post on herbs that might be of a help if you are just starting out.
They also have a wonderful site herbalacademyofne.com/ that has tons of info.
If you are interested in taking the course let me know then maybe we could share ideas. Also if you do sign up for the class I do make a small fee from it. If you have a blog and you want to sign up they have an affiliate program where you can get a small discount on the course if you share the info on your blog. ( I didn't even notice this until after I had signed up, so just wanted to share that so others would know before they signed up, so they could get the discount)

So here is what is in the course I am so excited to learn all of this.

The Intermediate Herbal Course: 10 Unit Outline

Unit 1: Why Herbs And How They Work
History; Herbal Healing Philosophies; Homeostasis; Overview of Body Systems; Systems of Energetics, Actions and Constitutions; Medicine Making Review; Side Effects and Safety; Creating Formulations
Unit 2: Food is Medicine
Kitchen Cupboard Herbs; Vinegars; Oils; Honey; Edible and Medicinal Plants; Foraging; Wild crafting; Plant Savers; Gratitude and Ceremony

Unit 3: Digestive System
Alimentary System Overview; Digestive Health as Foundation of Health; Imbalances of the Digestive System and Herbal Remedies

Unit 4: Immune System
Building Immune Health; Prevention; Common Disharmonies; Creating a Materia Medica

Unit 5: Nervous System
The Central Nervous System; The Peripheral Nervous System; The Enteric Nervous System; Stress; Headaches; Sleep; Herbs

Unit 6: Cardiovascular
Anatomy of the Heart; Blood Pressure; Cholesterol; Heart Strong/Heart Health; Herbal Therapeutics; Diet; Glycosides; The Energetic Heart

Unit 7: The Liver
Anatomical Overview; Liver Health; Liver Imbalances; Herbal Treatments; Bitters

Unit 8: Respiratory
Breathing; Asthma; Lung Imbalances; Herbal Tonics; Natural Remedies

Unit 9: Urinary System
Kidney and Urinary Health; UTI; Herbs

Unit 10: Children
Common Discomforts; Formulas and Recipes; Which Herbs are Safe; Dosing

The units are broken up into lessons, and there is a quiz at the end of each unit before moving on to the next unit. I am still at unit one and almost finished with it.

Some of the things included in the course: 

Over 100 herbal recipes
Interactive ebooks
Printable handouts and charts
Videos throughout every unit
Online forums open for discussion and questions
 Easy access to a team of herbalists and medical professionals
 Printable Intermediate Herbal Certification upon completion
An online forum so students can share things with each other.

What do you need to take the course?

They have some recommended books that might be helpful I don't have any of these yet but hope to be able to get a couple of them
Botany in a Day by, Thomas J. Elpel

Medical Herbalism by, David Hoffman

 Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength , Stamina, and Stress Relief  by, David Winston

Nutritional Herbology: A Reference guide to Herbs by, Mark Pederson
The Practice of Traditional Western Herbalism Basic Doctrine, Energentics, and Classification by, Matthew Wood

The Web Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine by, Ted J. Kaptchuk
 Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition by, Paul Pitchford  The Yoga of Herbs; An Ayurvedic Guide to Herbal Medicine by, David Frawley and Vasant Lad The lost Language of Plants: The Ecological Importance of Plant Medicines for life on earth.by,Stephen Harrod Buhner Making Plant Medicine by, Rico Cech   Supplies: Some of these things you may already have.  8 oz. mason jars, cheese cloth, strainer, large bowls, funnel, small 1 or 2 oz. bottles, raw wildflower honey, apple cider vinegar, high proof brandy or vodka, natural waxed paper

You an use herbs you have grown your self or you can order them I like Bulk Herb Store
You can also use Mountain Rose Herbs these two have bottles and other supplies.
Frontier,Zack Wood Farms,Jean’s Greens are also recommended in the course

There are hundreds of recipes in this program.  This means many herbs to learn about. You will be asked to practice and share your experience working on one of the recipes for each unit.

Suggested Herbs For Tea and Other Recipes: Use what you have grown or forged yourself or you can order them.

Lemon balm
Raspberry Leaf
St. Johns wort

Other herbs featured in the program , pick some you would you like to try. They will not go to waste.

Angelica root
Bee balm
Burdock root
Cardamom pods
 Elder berry
Fennel seeds
Gentian root
Hawthorn berries
Linden flower
Marshmallow root
Plantain leaf
Rose petal
Tulsi (Holy basil)
Wood betony
Yellow dock root

 As you can see they cover a lot. So if you are wanting more information on herbalism this is the place to go.
Even if you don't want to try the class go check out the Site, as I said they have a ton of information on it.
If you have any questions just ask and I will try to answer.

Click Here to learn More



1 comment:

  1. Wow. That course really does seem to cover a lot of herbs and the systems of the body as well.


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