2016 Food Storage Challenge

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

300 a Month, Week goals, Menu.

My new brand necklace Andy had Ann Schwarting make, she does great work. Love it.
Things have been soo busy around here trying to get everything ready for graduation, getting taxes done, calving and branding, yard work, potatoes,  FFA Banquet,( Joleen received her state degree) and seems like a million other things.
We finally got taxes sent off with 5 days to spare. It has never taken this long to get them done, but not having all of last years info really made it challenging to say the least.
We branded this last weekend, only have 5 cows left to calve. Then we will brand those last few and we will be done with that.
When we lost the computer I also lost all the address, so I am trying to gather up all the address so I can get graduation announcement sent out. ( finally got them ordered should be here today or tomorrow).
I have been working like crazy to get the yard ready. Doing things I have wanted to do for a few years, and some stuff that has just needed to be done.
I finally got all the potatoes put up. I froze, dried, canned and canned beef and chicken soup.(was starting to wonder if I would ever get them all put up haha)
Well here is my spending for March.
City Market had Milk, Cheese, Peanut butter, gold fish(I like to keep a few of these on hand for a snack on the go for the girls) and pasta on sale this month.
I spent 129.49 at City Market
16.94 at Wal-Mart on chicken and beef bullion and T.P.
For a total of 146.43. Add that to the beginning of the months 104.02 for a total of  250.45 for March.
March 250.45 with 49.55 left over for March.
That gives me 3030.17 left for the year.
So far for April I have spent 40.61 on cheese, kidney beans( I have a new recipe I want to try that calls for kidney beans) Spinach ,bananas, and salmon this is another thing I don't use a lot of but with the issues on the west coast with the fish populations dying off I want to have a few cans on hand ).
For April I have spent  40.61 which leaves me with 259.84 for the month and 2989.56 for the year.
The goals for this week are to continue getting things ready for graduation. I haven't been working on my herbal class so I do need to try and put in a little time on that.
Menu for this week
French toast
Cheese omelets
scrambled eggs
Grilled Cheese
Macaroni and Tomato
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Chicken Noddle
French Toast
Will have what ever kind of fruit I have, and crackers with the soup.
For Andy's lunch he will have leftovers from the night before.
Chicken Fried Steak/Fried Potatoes
Fire dept. has pack test tonight then a BBQ will eat there.
Beef tips/ noodles
Stuffed Peppers
Mexican Steak
Cheese Burger Pie
Will have a veggie of some sort and bread with each meal.
Saturday or Sunday we will have leftovers.
Hope everyone has a great week.  


  1. Where have you been? I've missed seeing your posts.

  2. Is everything OK? I guess you are just as busy as we are. We have a farm in western NC and we are in the midst of planting corn for silage ad managing lots of baby calves. I do miss your posts!

  3. I know you are very busy but please check in. So sorry about you.
    Praying all is well.



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