2016 Food Storage Challenge

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Oh my goodness, I can't believe it has been over two months since I posted anything. At the first of the year I made it a goal to try and post at least 4 times a week, failed that epically, I will try to get back on track now. But in my defense I have been super busy trying to get ready for Joleens graduation in addition to all the other things that are going on this time of the year. I got 3 years worth of yard work done in two months, but my yard is looking so good. I will have more on that later. We got our garden in a little late due to all the rain. We finished A.I.ing cows yesterday so that is out of the way for another year. Started cutting hay last week we are way behind on that because of the rain. Haven't even had time to work on my herbal course, I have got to get on that though.
So anyway I am hoping to start getting caught up on things and caught up on my post. I have so much to share.
So hopefully I will have be posting regularly again in a few days.
And thank you to all who was concerned about where I have been.  


  1. So happy that you have returned. Am anxiously awaiting to see what you have lined out. Have a great one.

  2. So happy to see your post. I know your were busy but still worried.

    Have a great week!!!!

  3. I am so glad you are back! I live on a farm in WNC. We raise steers and corn for silage to sell, garden and so on so I know how busy the life can be .I am just glad everything is OK!

    1. Rose, Thank you sounds like you are supper busy too. I keep thinking it will eventually slow down but seems it just gets busier lol.
      Have a great day


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