2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, June 29, 2015

300 a Month, Week Goals, Menu

Joleen on graduation day with my Dad and Mom.

It has been a very busy two months. I got a tons of yard work done ( will have more on that later), getting ready for Joleens graduation party. Then on the day of the party it rained and rained some more so we ended up moving the party to the Fire station. We were able to have the after party at the house so I was able to use the yard a little, that I had worked so hard on. We had a taco bar for the party, We had beef tacos, chicken tacos, and elk Mexican steak, with all the fixens, refried beans, salsa, queso,  chips,  two of my sister in laws  made some chicken enchiladas and some cupcakes with graduation hats made from peanut butter cups and Hersey bars. We had a lot of food and a lot leftover but I was able to freeze most of it and dehydrate the lettuce. 

Haven't done much canning this past couple months, I did get 21 quarts of meat canned the other day.
Was able to go to the mountains a couple weekends ago for the afternoon my Dad and one of my brothers  and his wife were camping up there so two of my other brothers and their family's and I were able to go up for dinner. It was kind of nice to get up where it was a little cooler we even needed to build a fire when the sun started going down.
We got our garden in finally, all the rain we got rally messed everyone up as far as planting. We just have the one  garden at the house this year since we don't have the lease on the other place.

Got our hunting tags in and Andy, Katie and I all drew our Elk tags. Hopefully we will be able to fill them.

I bought  a thermal cooker, a while back I had mentioned a wonder oven and one of the readers wrote that she had just gotten a thermal cooker. So I had to look in to them, was very impressed so instead of getting a wonder oven I got a thermal cooker. I have cooked a couple things in it. I will be sharing the recipes soon, that can also be used in a wonder oven.

I also got a wheat grinder after a whole lot of research I picked the Nutrigrain mill. I am very happy with it so far. Is so nice to be able to put the wheat in and have it in just a few minutes as opposed to grinding it by hand haha.

Well here is my spending for the last two months.
I spent 224.00  on food for the graduation party. ( I know a lot but as I said I was able to keep all the leftovers).
In addition I have spent 180.00 the last two months. So the total for the last two months is 404.00 that gives me a leftover balance for the two months 196.00.
That leaves me with 2945.56 for the year.

My goals for the week
Get some more meat canned.
I have been redoing my drip system on my plants hoping to get finished or at least all most finished this week.
Get caught up on the blog.
Work on my herbal class, haven't been doing a whole with it lately.
I bought an old camp trailer a couple years ago so I am hoping to get it moved up here to the house and get started on that project ( I know just what I need another project haha).
I have a few ideas I want to do in back yard play area for the kids so hoping to get started on that.
I have been working on a household notebook sdo want to work some more on that.
So hopefully I can get some of this done this week. 

Menu for this week

Cream of Wheat
French Toast
Cheese omelets

Fish Sticks & tater tots
Mac & Cheese
Mini pizzas
Grilled Cheese
Chicken soup

Will have what ever kind of fruit I have, and crackers with the soup.
For Andy's lunch he will have leftovers from the night before.

Pork Chops
White enchiladas
Swiss steak
Salisbury Steak

Will have a veggie of some sort and bread with each meal.
Saturday or Sunday we will have leftovers.

Hope everyone has a great week.

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