2016 Food Storage Challenge

Thursday, March 24, 2016

My poor chickens

It has been so windy and cold the past few days, Spring time in southern Colorado (fun fun fun). We did get a little skiff of snow the other night but it was gone by morning, maybe it will help hold down the dust some.

Went out to feed the chickens the other day and something, still not sure what had gotten into the pen and killed 9 of them and the turkey.  The dogs had been doing a lot of barking that night, I even got up once to see if I could see what they were barking at but didn't see anything, guess I should of looked a little harder.

A couple months ago something got in and got 7 of them, we found and fixed a hole in the fence. A friend knew some one getting rid of some, so we were able to get a few more. So now with having lost such a large amount two different times not sure what we are going to do, get more,  wait, put them in a different place, or rebuild a new pen.I am a little upset about this, in over 15 years of having chickens in that spot this hasn't ever happened before.  I do still have the rooster and 4 chickens left. Have thought about incubating our own eggs, Travis has an incubator we could use or maybe I could talk him into doing it :).  

Have a great Day.


  1. Sorry to hear that you lost some birds. Sounds like a coon to me. Got any live traps to maybe get him?

  2. I finally built a coop with an oak floor that is up off the ground and has steel lath which is a stamped steel screen as side panels. I don't thing anything short of a bear could get in there. It might be time to build Ft. Knox the chicken coop! It is about 4 x 8 and roosts over 20 birds.

  3. we pray psalm 91 over our land and critters every day. and taught my dog to chase after and bark at hawks etc. since my son built a good coop and we lock all the chickens in just before dark we havent lost any.
    Al from southern N.M.

  4. So sorry to hear about your chickens. We had a raccoon that used to pick off a chicken a night. Hubby finally rigged up an alarm system when the raccoon crossed the threshold and we caught him red-handed. After that, we screwed a few 2x4s across the pen (to the top railing) then stapled chicken wire to it. We never had another intruder.

  5. Sorry about your chickies... I feel your pain, I have come in and found nothing but feathers, it is hearts breaking. Hope you can find the culprit.

  6. Sorry about your chickies... I feel your pain, I have come in and found nothing but feathers, it is hearts breaking. Hope you can find the culprit.

  7. That is sad news about your chickens. Perhaps transferring them to a new spot will help. I do hope you get to catch whatever's taking them.


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