2016 Food Storage Challenge

Monday, March 21, 2016

Woo Hoo My Computer is back.

Don't know why we have had such bad luck with computers the past few years.

My computer started making funny noises a couple months ago, I just tried to ignore it but when it started freezing up every time we tried to do something I knew we had probably better get it looked at before we tried to downloaded the tax program.
So glad I did, the hard drive was going out and it had a couple viruses. Would of hated to lose everything again. It took them a couple weeks to get it done, but hopefully all will be good now and it won't freeze up every time I try to do something, have to say that was getting a little old, and a pain to deal with. 

Once again we will be to the last minute doing taxes this year. Just like last year. At least we don't have to reenter everything this time like we did last year.

I have so much to catch up on here, so hopefully I can get all caught up in the next few days. So many things have happened this past month.


  1. My computer croaked over a year ago and all links were lost. Glad I found you again. Have missed all your notes and the wonderful MYO. brenda of ar

  2. I am glad to hear it. I just found you. Never go to Best Buy (in my opinion). They charged me a great deal and gave my computer a virus when it was a mechanical (liquid poured in keyboard by my Grand Little) problem it went in with.

    Can't wait to see the rest of the food storage challenge. I see I am behind.
    But I did pick up another 3 cases of DelMonte Sweet Peas this week at 3/$1. yay for me. Waxing my extra cheese buys at 2/1 awesomeness. and Loving getting closer to being able to help those I love.

    Thank you for the banana post. Was Gifted with about 100lbs of just turning bananas.. and have been processing for about 4 days. Some are too far gone and going to the animals... and some canned in pints... some pureed/vacuum sealed/freezer. and a few dehydrated (what a pain that is). Now for the Cauliflower and Lemons. Do you Can Lemon Curd. That is next for me after I get this all preserved for human use. :D
    Thank you for any information.

  3. What type of antivirus do you use on your computer? I think everyone has problems with computers, especially if they are constantly using them for work, school, or whatever. Problems are bound to come up at some point. Fortunately, every single one of those can be fixed. It is just frustrating to have to go through them. Good to fix it before the tax software download.

    Raymond @ CKS Global Solutions LTD


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