Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Homesteading Goals

As I was putting this list together part of me is saying that is a lot to get done but then part of me thinks it isn’t enough. I don’t know if we can get all this done and I am sure I will add more to the list as time goes by.

I do hope that we can get most of it accomplished. I think we are headed for some very hard times in this country and the more prepared a person is the better off they will be. I would encourage every one to get as self sufficient as they can. I know it is difficult for some but every little thing will help.

Windmill up and running.
We bought a windmill at an auction this past spring we are needing some parts but hoping to get it going in our creek this year to help water the gardens and trees.

Garden moved to the house. Our garden has been at the hay barn which is a couple miles away. We want to move it to the house since we are expanding it ever year and we need it closer so we can take better care of it.

My compost set up. I have the place and the stuff to get it set up just need to do it.

Milking shed finished and start milking. We have a milk cow that we got a couple years ago but haven’t been able to milk her yet as I have no where to milk her, we even bought an electric milkier this year. We did have 3 calves on her this past year so she did earn her keep.

Bees up and going. we just ordered some bees that should be here in march so we need to get that all set up.

Bottom part of front yard and drive way finished. when I moved in there was no yards at all I have been working on them for the last few years I had to do the in tiers as it has a slope. I want to plant some elderberries and a few other fruit bushes. And plant some pinion pines along the driveway. I have tried to only plant things that produce something I don’t want to waste water on things that don’t give back.

Chicken Coop and run redone. when we put it up it was in a hurry ( like most things we have to do lol ) I still needs a little work done to it.

Wood shed built.
right now we just have to stack it and throw a tarp over it.

Expand my herb garden.
 I have several thing s that I grow but there a few more that I would like to have.

Clean out silver storage shed.
when I moved in we put a lot of stuff into the silver shed until we could go through it all well it has been there for close to 7 years and we need that shed for some other things so That needs to be cleaned out.

Finish the corrals.
Andy got them started and doable but we still have a lot that needs to be done to them.

Get a spinning Wheel.
 I have found a few but they are so expensive. I have found a few patterns for some, the least expensive and the most doable pattern was using bike tire and pvc pipe it wouldn’t be quite what I want but if it works I will use it. I have access to a lot of wool and need to be able to do something with it.

Finish the remodel on the kitchen.
we started remodeling the kitchen two years ago we still need to get counter tops and trim in ( we have melamine down that I have been using it is starting to peel) we bought the stuff for the counter tops this past summer so hopefully this winter when things are a little slower we can get it finished.

A mini makeover on the bathrooms .
I want to paint , lay tile , change the light fixtures and mirrors in both bathrooms we also bought most of the stuff for this last summer.

Build a linen closet.
we moved the freezer to the mud room and in that space we want to build a linen closet. There isn’t much storage space in this house

A new outside door on the mud room the one we have now dosn't fit right so it lets in a lot of cold air and when it snows we get snow in through the door.

Personal Goals for 2013

To do more sewing and crocheting
 I have slacked off on that the past few years. And have several projects that I need to finish.

To use my household note book more .
it does seem to keep me a little more organized.

Get my pantry more organized.
 right now it is a jumbled mess and I am about the only one who can find things in there.

Get myself in a little better shape.
This is added ever year to my list it seems but this year I really need to work on it more I am not getting any younger and I don’t want to have extra problems when I do get older that could have been prevented had I taken better care of myself

More organized all the way around.
this one is also on my list every year but I need to work on it more because it seems I can get so much ore done when I have things more organized.

To be more of a proverbs 21 women.
I guess if I do that most of this other would fall into place.

To do more work on my blog

Work a little harder at teaching the girls all the things that I know
so that when they are out on there own they will be able to take care of and do things that they will need to do.

As I said at the beginning I don’t know if all will be done I sure hope so though. If I think of more things that need to be added to the list I will add them.

Hope Every one has a wonderful New Year and can accomplish all the goals that you have.

I would love to hear what some of your 2013 goals are.












  1. Good luck with all of your future endeavors.

    1. Thanks Bonnie, We have so many things we are trying to get done seems the list is never ending.

  2. The car hood sled is so cool. Happy New Year.

    brenda from ar

    1. Brenda, We have been using that same hood for four years now and ever year my brother makes more modifacations it just keeps getting better.

  3. My personal goals are the same as yours. Additionally, I want to spend more one on one time with each of my children, produce enough food from our garden to cut down grocery costs and learn more about natural medicine and herbs. I got the book, "Be your own Doctor" by Rachel Weaver and it is excellent!

    1. I will have to check out that book always looking for more info on herbs thanks.

  4. Stopping by to say hi and follow.


  5. Ok, now my goals seem pretty manageable :) Thanks for sharing on Wildcrafting Wednesday!

  6. Thanks for sharing your post on Homestead Abundance and Wildcrafting Wednesday this week. I agree that the sled is amazing! Great re-purpose project, too. Your list of gonnas is amazing, too. Do you have a plan for which ones you are going to tackle first?

    1. Chris,
      The sled is so much fun the lids love it and some of adults even my mom gets on it lol.
      We are hoping to do all the inside stuff first because once the weather turns nice Andy heads outside and everything inside gets put off till cold weather. We got the door in last weekend so hopefully counter tops will be next.Have a great new year.


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