Monday, January 30, 2012

What are some things I Need to do In Order To Survive An Economic Collapse Or a Natural Disaster? # 1 Food Storage Part 2

When People talk about food storage most people think only of food but there are other things that you also need.

Personal Hygiene Products- Shampoo, Conditioner ,Bath soap,(learn to make your own) shaving cream ( or you can use soap) razors ( I have a recipe for sugar wax which I will post at a latter date) Toothpaste, Deodorant, ( both of which you can also make )and lotion My Teenager also says Hairspray is vitally important haha (use your own judgment) Contact supplies if you wear contacts and a good pair of glasses.
Feminine products- You don’t want to forget these you can buy the reusable But myself I really don’t want to have to do that ( But if I have to I will sigh ) Also if you have preteen girls plan ahead for them. Be sure to store them so mice cannot get to them.
Paper products-Toilet Tissue, garbage bags, Aluminum foil, Baggies,
Cleaning supplies - again you can make your own
Laundry soap
Canning Supplies-Canner ( pressure and water bath ), Jars, Lids, Jar lifter,Rings
Extra Bedding-enough to keep every one warm if no other heating source,
Sewing supplies- Needles, thread, Fabric, patches, patterns, Buttons,
Fuel for cooking- Wood ,Starter fluid, Matches, charcoal,
Lighting- Candles, flashlights, Batteries, Oil Lamps and Oil or Kerosene, Solar lights.
First Aid Supplies- I will go in to that more later
Cast Iron cookware- If you are having to cook over an open fire you will need the correct cookware.
Garden Seeds-Enough for one year.
Equipment-Tools, Grinders, Manual can opener, Sewing Machine, Radio ( Battery-powered ) Gardening supplies Batteries Solar oven.
Water- I will go it that more later
Books- You may not have access to the internet or to some one who knows these things so have some books on hand with the information that you will need. Here are some ideas of the type of books you may want to get. Soap making, Gardening, (If your gardening book does not cover how to save seeds, you should get a book which covers this specific topic), Homesteading/Living Off The Land, Wild Foraging, The American Red Cross First Aid & Safety Handbook ,Herbal Remedies (When conventional medicines are no longer within arms reach, you may be scrambling to find something to alleviate whatever ails you.)
Canning/Preserving Food (It’s important to have good canning recipes on hand, and with these books you’ll be able to can just about anything you can imagine. They also cover how to dehydrate foods, another great way to preserve the harvest.. ) Cookbooks (Not just any cookbooks though. In a survival situation, you probably not going to have gourmet spices and cheeses on hand. You need to have a few good cookbooks which use the most basic of ingredients to make delicious, wholesome meals your whole family will enjoy. Make sure you have a good collection of recipes for food storage items as well! )Wilderness Survival (Because you never know what life will throw at you. It’s good to know how to build your own shelter, and make traps for catching wild game.),And a book on local plants and there uses.

I’m sure there are other things, if you see I’ve missed something please feel free to comment

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