Monday, December 10, 2012

Canning Chicken Chipotle Taco Meat


We love chicken chipotle tacos so when I had some leftover turkey I thought I would can some taco meat. You can do this with chicken or turkey.
First I took 3 cans or frozen Orange juice and one can of chipotle peppers.


I put the peppers in my mini chopper then put the orange juice and peppers in a pan and added 3 cans of water. Brought this to a boil. Meanwhile I put the turkey in my pint jars.

Pour the boiling juice/pepper mixture over the turkey in the jars then I ran a knife along the sides to get out the air bubbles. Put on the lids and rings then processes for 75 minutes at 15 pounds of pressure (check your owners manual for the correct pressure for your altitude).

When done pull out of canner.

When you get ready to eat just pour into a pan .


Reduce down until the liquid is cooked down .


Put on a warmed flour tortilla top with cheese, lettuce
And what ever your like on your tacos.

I plan on canning several more jars of this as it will be nice on busy night to just open a jar heat it up and have supper.


  1. This looks so yummy. Have never heard about the orange juice before. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

  2. Oh YUM!!!! We are addicted to Mexican food! I'm definitely making this! Have you ever made it with raw-packed poultry?

    1. Daisy,
      I haven't tried to do a raw pack with this yet, have been wanting to try. I think the flavors would really cook into the chicken that way.

  3. Looks great. Can't wait to do this. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What size juice concentrate did you use? It comes in 3 sizes. Thank you!!!

  5. Has anyone used raw chicken for this?


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