Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I was Nominated for the Liebster Award

My First Award.  I was nominated for a Liebster Award from Missy at http://www.magnoliaholler.blogspot.com

I wasn’t sure what this was so I looked around a little. This is what I found. In the blogging world it is an award for new bloggers who are just starting out. This award gets passed around by other bloggers who were nominated and they nominate other new bloggers. This helps getting the new blogs noticed. Basically, the purpose of the Liebster Award is to get blogs with less than 200 followers noticed.
Sopphey's Blog did a whole post on the origin of the award.

Thank you Missy for the nomanation.

Here are the rules
1. Thank your Liebster Award presenter on your blog and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 5 questions from the nominator, list 5 random facts about yourself and create 5 questions for your nominees.

3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less whom you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have been chosen.

4. Copy and paste the blog award on to your blog. It is an award so show it off.

Blogs I'm Nominating. This was not easy I have some great followers.

1. Monsoon Matriach at

2. K at http://planningandforesight.blogspot.com/

3. Bonnie at http://birdsbeesberriesblooms.blogspot.com/

4. Kelsey at http://kelseyhomolka-keepingupwithkelsey.blogspot.com/

5. Roxy at http://livingfromglorytoglory.blogspot.com/

5 Random Facts About Me

1. I am the oldest of ten there are three of us girls and seven boys.

2. I love being outside from camping , riding horses, 4 wheeling just about anything that involves being outside.

3. I am terrified of water I almost drowned when I was younger so when we go out on the boat I have my life jacket and am hugging the side all the time and I am very overprotective with the girls about water (drives them crazy lol)

4. I have ran a small day care for a little over ten years. I started it when the girls were little so I could be home with them.

5. 6 years ago I married the most wonderful man he is my best friend and soul mate.

5 Questions From Missy at Magnolia Holler
1. What is your favorite family tradition? My whole family goes camping and 4 wheeling in Silverton on the fourth of July so much fun. Although since I married Andy I don’t get to do it every year as his family has a music festival every year on the 4
th so we have to compromise.

2. What is your fondest childhood memory? Spending time at my Grandmas.

3. If you could travel in time, would you go into the future or back in time? I would go back I love history so it would be hard to pick what time period though.

4. What do you do to relax? I read when ever I can get the chance which isn’t as often as I would like.

5. What is your favorite fruit or vegetable, and why? Pineapple It wasn’t till I was an adult that I tasted pineapple and loved it. When it comes in season and on sale I buy lots and lots then can it and eat it I will eat so much when I am canning I just about make my self sick .

5 Questions For Nominees.
1. What is your favorite holiday?

2. What would your ultimate vacation be?

3. What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

4. If you won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would buy?

5. What is your least favorite thing to do?



  1. Thanks for the nomination!! How exciting! I cannot wait to write up my article :)

  2. Hi Connie, How sweet for you thinking of me! I will try to comply as it just seems like the days just fly by. I do wish it was not so long and complicated (really those award people) :)
    Happy Spring and I hope your having a great day!!
    Thanks Again
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. Congratulations! I can't wait to "meet" all your nominees.


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